Show fait valentines varying accounts of the origin of the valentine observance yance just 1671 years ago to day bishop valentine fell a victim to the wrath of the pagan roman emperor claudins and suffered accordingly the lation of his spinal column although the pious bishop lost his head and life simultaneously he thereby gained u canonization and he is today one of the best known saints in the calendar an writer says st valentine was aman of most admirable parts and so famous for his love and charity that the custom of choosing valentines upon his festival took its ariae irom thence another sapient writer ane custom had its origin long anterior to st valentine and in fact prior to the christian era other authors incline to the belief that the exchange of valentines or love tokens can easily be traced to the or ancient boman festival of purification and expiation which was celebrated on ahe aoth of february the ceremonies of this festival were numerous and among them was the following the of women were put in a box from which they were taken by young men as caunce directed and to the maiden whose name he drew the youth devoted his attentions during the the giving of presents on st valentines day was in vogue at an early date and why the supposed to preserve i inviolate ibe secret of his identity is that cannot be answered the festival occurs at a s to in all countries where ibe weather clerk attends to hia duties when the birds are supposed to mate arid the spring is juat at hand and tho young mans baicy lightly turns of love an exception in th cobb of the overburdened letter carrier should be noted as his thoughts are generally directed towards aby thing ele but that of love but h e lias the nm satisfaction of knowing that st valentine lost his head prematurely tribune |