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Show TERN'S TlfB DUIGJII ill Madman and Delaney Game Efforts, but Re'corM Holder Is Too Fast, m LONG SHOTS GO OVjl High Range and Ben Unci, Among the Winners at thai Coeur d'Alene Course. AXiAN, Idaho. May 20. The track J the Alan course was a sea of mudaMy day and form upsets wore freqltF Tern's Trick, at 7 to 2, took the fl ture event. The wise ones thought going would bo against the record hflk er, but Tern's Trick went out In H when the barrier went up and wa rijM headed, standing off a game bid by H man and Delaney. the latter hoIdlngW for the place. Raining, track muflt Results. ml First race three and a half iurl(mj-TB, Wolf forth. 105 (Cavanauch), 2 to 1, -on:;JB bulante. 105 (Burllncame). 20 to 1, ecwadllM carlo. 105 (Corey). 4 to 1, third. Time. 41;T Boslrln, Rod Widow, Vlvllz and SilchilletUiM' lohed an nnmod. jB; Second race, five aad a half furlongs Gui MM rldpo. 3t (Hill). S to 2, iron; Tims JmJfjW (Burllngamc). S to 1. aeconA; MaIf Bjd,-: (Grand)., 7 to R. third. Time. 1:09 4-5.M. Quarter, Ruby H.. Helen IIawkln, Plufl Bucklo, Lady Mint. Sixteen. YA B. nil Kinney ran. tMt Third raco, flvo and a half furlonp VIA polltan, 10D (Solden). 6 lo 1, wen; Hoiimo (Tajilln), 4 to 5, second; Meddling nmfi IGroth), CO to 1. third. Time. 1:03 3-5. erlator. Billy Moyer, Silver Stocklnir, Hlnotjm To Solo. Media and Sidney PrUra In)rti4)W named. , Fourth race, five Jurlonss Term TrUfcM (Grand), 7 to 2, wonr Dolaney. 114 (Caran,, $ to 1, second : Florence Robert. 5J (HIUJW: to 1, third. Time, 1:02 1-5. Kootcnil, Ben, Madman, Mona, Canomann and neportn'l tnhed as named. Hf Fifth race, alx furlooRii Hlc'i nanj; (Hoffman), 20 to 1, vfon; Jim Mc, 101 (OrMc 20 to 1, aeeond: Bellssnlchcr. 105 (noeaflUjBi (Contlmtod on 'roUowing"piigB.)Bj SPEEDY STEEDS AT TORONTO RACE MEET (Continued from Preceding Page.) In 1. third. Time. 1 17. Roy T., Tcarlon, Boa-nlo Boa-nlo Bard. Native Son, Salneil, Alchemist, Lu-cillo Lu-cillo Allen and Toller flnlnhcd an named. Sixth race, seven furlongs Ren Uncaa. 110 (McEwen). S to 1, won; Rake, 107 (HIM), to 5,, eecond; Setback, 112 (Hoffman). 2 to 1, third. Time. 1 SD 2-3. Osctlro, Godfather. Kdna Stewart, I.aymlnlater, Marcarot Randolph and Dahlfjien Iliilnhcd as named, Coeur d'Alene Entries. AI.AN, Idaho, May 10. Tomorrow's entrlei: rtrnl race, half mile, celling. Index. Wt. Index. WU 2ISI Roa Rahleo....lll 1313 Camla lot 2K2 Garden of A1....110 ... . rhllnana 55 223S Vivian H 109 Rupella 3S I 225S Kar Cathay.... 1071 Second race, fire furlongs. 2276 Tony Faut 103) 2276 Hammcraway . .1(V 23H Rota , ..107 21f Tom Murphy. .. IOC COW II e Knows ....J0i 23tS Sneeier 101 2163 Lookout .105 2315 Meada 101 2183 Sir Barry .....IM 23 H Doralta ......KM 2276 Bucolic 10 2335 Queen Load ....101 Third race. aelllnR. flvc-clRhtu of a mile. 2213 Ablhu nil. 2143 Tho Shrimp ..lit 227B Hope So Ill 22tS Southern Gold. .111 23 H Black Sheep.. ..Ill 2333 Short Cut 13 2333 Ben Stone ....111 2273 Galeno Gale ....103 2203 Rey El Torar..lll 2315 Lady SUlnrt...l07 21S3 Vellowfoot .....ltll 2315 Ramiey 101 Fourth race, felling, three-quarters of a mile. 21S3 AmerJcu lia 2335 Butter Ball 101 220t Ancelun lll'P3M7Bcdi 101 233C Eye White llll 2317 Madeline Mus;..10l 2297 Ed Keck 10S 231S Manaweh JS 22JS Cu Bon lOtf Fifth race, soiling, one mile. 2223 Edwin T. Fr....lll 2157 Ilarlom Maid ...10? 205S Onalaeia .......nil 2337 Oswald B 105 233S Don Enrique.. .1111 2317 Wicket 105 I31D Clsko HO 2313 Chlllo 101 12.13 Maromaro 1031 2337 Supar Lump ...102 2313 Discontent : . .107j Sixth rate, mile and a sixteenth. 2251 Zoroanlcr ... .111 23S7 Cftbln 105 2233 Sam Barber ...111 211? F. L. Troc 33 2235 Rceno W .... 103 23 IS Robert I'S 2233 Aftermath 103 233fi Thistle Roso ...31 Ralnlnsr; track muddy. |