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Show fil BILL IS WW BORAH L Senator Gives Notice L He Will Ask for Vole on Measure Today. I Lot makes a speech hMan Argues Against Region Re-gion of the Duties on Iron and Steel. r . j- .Wiwatlonal News Service. ionr bill. wlnYh applies to all Jn'ment contracts, was called up in today by SenHtor Borah, fcicnued it briefly, as did Senator Lvoet of Nebraska. Borah gave t( Ibsl he would ask for a vote ff. Sonator Smoot continued ,'ueodiodI in opposition to a re-,3 re-,3 of the duties on iron and steol. tjjtor Dillingham submitted the U of the committee -which inve.-the inve.-the election or' Senator Lori- Tic report declared in iavor of Illinois senator, hoMintr tjifil the fe docs not show that, corrup-iisi corrup-iisi fraud were used to procure ijlrttioii. Senator Lea, for Jiim- ud Senators Kcn3'on and Kern, iciled minority views, holding that jsir's election was obtained by j Dd improper use of money. jias Bill Reported. feilor Crawford presented a resort reso-rt to amend the" constitution ro-2 ro-2 io the terms or" the federal judi-ct judi-ct and Senator Simmons presented tinwitv view's favor of the ixfoftlie Underwood bill revising uleraicjil schedule. The omnibus iubill was reported to the senate t tie committee on claims, kilor Hcyburn made an unsuccess--fffoTt to ct considerations for his (Won losardinsr the publication of ufJiajlJ of executive sessions of lilies aside temporarily the Pana-a:jl Pana-a:jl hill, the house today tackled 'wnimous consent calendar and fW'1 of a large amount of routine H!!!. k bills of ccueral interest were in from the unanimous consent j&r. One was the Alexander bill, lAitfi following the Tifauie dis-ir dis-ir Id require passonpo-earryinjor ves-illrinc ves-illrinc the ocean and the qroai ic be equipped with sufficient Mi and auxiliary wireless an-pi. an-pi. Representative lUann ob-iiiotakinp ob-iiiotakinp up what he terms "a Sieportant hill" under flic unani-B'tonsent unani-B'tonsent calendar, and the Alex-feneasure Alex-feneasure was shifted to the rep-(ubdar, rep-(ubdar, Mnt Refused. tyfKntativc Fitzucrald refused ona consent for the consideration foil) providing an appropriation 'lie (ontribution nf the government h intoruutiona! union for inter-1 inter-1 arbitration. fe fetretary of state submitted a W or a $.3000 appropriation to IHJiis government to participate W international conference on "Selstvio be held in Brussels in rater. Hrtscnlat ivo Iidwards introduced a WfeT"""g that the tombstones 'JXUt !rr:lvrs of tl,0f:e buried in Wlon cemetery be inscribed with tSBt188 of hecr(,t orders to which TMftgicrt may havc belonged. |