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Show MORRIS AND IHS SPONSORS. After testifying that he knew al)-.' oolutely nothing of the charges made against the Police Department, tho editor edi-tor of tho Smoot organ ycslcrdaj' reiterated reit-erated former insinuations, nnd lamented lam-ented tho fact that I. .1. Morris could iof, answer the summons of the. City Commission to appear and tell what he knew of tho alleged diamond robbery, .No. the dead highwayman could not he- taken before the Commission, but Murray and Jackson were examined, and tliev probably know a great deal more about the affair than Morris did. In fact, Jackson, a Herald-Republican reporter, admitted on the witness stand that ho prepared the aflidavit himself and that, his information was based on a tip from a mysterious dopc-liend. Morris signed it after having thrcat-I thrcat-I enod to uet even with the police department: de-partment: and whenever he showed siens of weakening during subsequent periods of reflection, a strong delegation delega-tion of those interested in upholding the Jackson dope-licud story invariably called upon him at the prison, under iMiidnnce of Sheriff Sharp. Whether or not, the fact that Morris's true naino was known and his desire to keep his disL'ruce-from his old mother near Pittsburg had any influence on his sub-yeauent sub-yeauent statements the Commission mav never know, now that Morris is unable to appear before them! Even had Morris been there to testify, tes-tify, what additional strength could he have added to the accusations? Doesn't every one know that -the little flock of vampires who fluttered around him dur-jnsr dur-jnsr thn entire period of his imprisonment imprison-ment drew every drop of information from his mind? And if Sheriff Sharp, with all the opportunity for investiga-! lion under the direct promptings of Morris for ten months, was unable to find anything to act upon- keen as he was to get it, and if that king oi sleuths. l Marshal Anderson, with his iK'ftiliar methods, utterlv failed to find a clur to follow to a conclusion which would have given him groat joy, then what is tho ufio of intimating that tho presence of Morris could have thrown any light on tho investigation nendinjr before the Commission? Does' any one believe that tlie deceased highwayman high-wayman withheld from his political advisors ad-visors anything that ho would tell tho Commission? In view of tho facts, and of the source of the story, is it not the worst of taste for tho Smoot paper to con-' tinue its insinuations against tho police po-lice department, incmbora of which aTe ronutablo citizens with families which aro injured every limo an assault is made upon their characters, even though such assaults are based upon tho tips of hop-heads and highwaymen highway-men 7 - |