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Show SKILL CHAP WANDERS AWAY FROM 181 TIES Inveterate Peripatetic. KiVc Years Old, Puzzles the Police- and Mother. The nomadic- instinct broke forth in little Kranklo Russoll. 0 j-earn old. ntfaln Monday evening; and he ran away from his home at tho Warwick rooming houno, of which his mother Is proprietor, on West First South street, to wander the etreets, which uppcar to have nn Irresistible Irre-sistible fascination for him. He wan picked up by Policeman Dickinson two or three hours afterward and taken to tho polico station. Later, I1I3 mother called and took him home. In addition to tils insatiable clcplrn in wander, this bclnp about the twcniloth lime ho has nm away from homo, he is posaonacd of an appetite that would pim-o. pim-o. an epicure, Runacll always ends his wandcringH at tho police station niul there lit iu. accounting for his vagaries in the mnttcr of food there. Monday nlnht ho demanded of the matron ma-tron that she give him pie. Some tlmo ago. when he was taken lo tho station until his mother could call for him and take him home, a steaming meal was set before him. but he refuned to cat It. hla fastidious appetite demanding the delicacy deli-cacy of soup. The npxt lime he was not 50 firlHtoerntle, being satisfied with beans from famous old Huston town. rtiiHsell fell through a skylight on Commercial Com-mercial street about eighteen months ago and fractured bin skull. It wns thought, he could not recover from the Injury. PhvFlclans say tho fracture may have produced the nomadic spirit In him until it has becomo a mania. |