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Show I COPPER FURNACES ME COOLING OFF m United ..States Company Stops p Copper Smelting in the Val- 1 FIRES WITHDRAWN H TUESDAY EVENING m Lead Furnaces Still Operating, p But No One Knows lor w Tlie pursuit by the farmers of the Utah S smelling industry claimed some more ftjt hlood yesterday evening when the United IK states Smelting; Hcilnlng & Mining1 coni-pa'ti'y coni-pa'ti'y closed down nil Its copper furnaces doVn the valley. There were in operation Si seven furnaces altogether on red metal S ores, six being1 blasts und one rcverber- fM a lory, and all are now cooling1 ofl' wilh- yft out ' much apparent argument, for their ffjj early reinstatement In tho active column, "fx This company, at Us local smeller, is L'f now operating five out of tho six lead fur- pV naco's. and there Is no certainty how long Iffy these furnaces will be In operation. So sly' while the company was making good its tVf, promise to shut down completely by the B command of tho court, letting Its office Rv force go slowlv but surely, It was making if? plana as well lo let out a great many smeller employees who live and spend sfo their wages in or near Salt Jake City. IB- J The management of this company some at? time ago announced that It had dcter-flt dcter-flt mined on closing ilowif Its local works, if Si the officials have any other course up , their sleeves, they certainly have kept It ijf sficurelv. ."ot a word has been allowed li to leak out as to any deviation from this ilj closlna: down determination, and local clr-itl clr-itl clcs, ever ready with plausible explana-)H explana-)H tlons for tho deepest of mining mysteries, rfj frankly announco themselves balked by jTj' this campaign of silence. tft It is certain that the company Is not ft? purchasing ores, and those who claim lo W: know say It Is doubtful if the supply of ores now on hand will bo sent through tho Iff furnaces before the court places its seal 11 on the plant. It must be a source of gratis grat-is Ideation to tho company to find that its hl other mining and smelting Inierests iffi throughout this country and Mexico are JF I'onsldered sufficiently valuable to maln- J tain the stock In the .Eastern markets at Mjl;, an even level in spito of iis troubles In IBh New York Mining Stocks. ! .lames A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and i brokers. C West Second South, furnish " the following New York mining stock '5 quotations, received over their private ' 1 wire yesterday: USTKD STOCKS. I Sales. H. I L. Clse Kewhouso j 300! lij 91 'Ji i "I'tah Copper -1.110 L'G 243 26 ' Balaklala ! 1.050 3 '21 :5 Tenri. Copper ! 100! 29Si '2M 298 I NEW YORK CURB RANGE. Sales.! H. L. Clse Cumberland Ely J 2.700! Sk 7S S '" Wly Consolidated S i 2 f-' Dominion Cop 3,200 21 2ii Co f Greene G. & S S 5, I jr Nevada I'tah .. 1-1.700 41 SI I- Nevada Smelter It IV M Mitchell I 5 I (Vitouk Con i fiOU 41 -! 4 t King Edward I 1.3001 12 7 i Tlntlc Mining 1 1 i 4 I NEW YORK CURB CLOSE. Bid, j Asked. J Nev.-house ...... .1 ..I Dj 01 ' i'tah Copper 'J.-ul 26 Nevada CoiiEolidaled 1 11 ' 1U HaS ' Cumberland Ely 71' Si 1 j' Bsiaklalu w. 21' 3 , Ir King 13d ward 3! I 1 i Nlplsslng .' 7t 7 i f Davis-Daly 5j , I tlirou.v .' . I 4 t Orectic-G. & Silver ' . i 11-15 1 Nevada. Smelting H W I Mitchell i . ?1 . I & Novatla. Utah r. . 5s I t Silver Queen 5 . Sliver Leaf I'e 12c J Kly Consolidated ! 5 i ? Dominion Copper .. 2?l 2 ! f Gibraltar ' 11c 13c Tin tic ; ::sl ( I f. Montgomery Sliothoue , Uj 45: ; Butte London I 2 1 1-15 Tennessee Copper I 20 30 Boston Mining Stocks. I , .lamds A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and F v brokers. t3 West Second South, furnish tho following Boston mining stock quo-'f quo-'f tatfons.. received-over their private wire yesterday: ' BOSTON COPPER RANGE. .1 Sales.j T-I. L. CIse Trt Ringham Con 1.4H0I CJ 61 6i ffi Boston Con 3,55 16J 1C 1C Vt P.tilta Coalition J 1,S2QI 20t 10 10 Butte & London. i... I 30c OSc 9flc Balaklala I 320! 3 3 3 i IS. Calumet & Arizona..! .10I114 113 113? 1 Con. Mcrcuv i ) 40c' 35c 0c ! 4), Copper Range j 0701 (544 63J 64 i ii Cumberland Ely 3B0l SJ S S ! Tfi Daly West 1 01 '9. 9 K Davis-Daly-. I l.Sfiol 3t 54 GZ fit Kast Butte I 351 6i G 61 If Giroux Con i....1 i 4 1 4i ! J Granby Con....'. ! j fit 88 oi 1:1 Greene Cananea .... 1,51 'Ji 85 0 i t Nevada Con ' 1.1401 Hi 11 Hi 1$ No'ada Utah 5.11 51 4 5 If Nlplsslng 2P0l 71 75 7 Wt North Butte I 1.155! 51 i 50 J 50i If Trinity '. -.A' 6731 17 I 16ij 162 Bi United Copper Com.1 200 7i 7i' 7j IS Tj. S. Smelter Com...1 360 31 1 33i' 33c It L. S. Smelter Pfd...l 200 39?! 39?1 395 ! M l-'tah Con.... ) ! Q.2S5 iljl iO 40 I . . BOSTON-COPPER CLOSE. , f t Bid. ;Agkcd ! :f Ahmcok I ' CO 70 ; 1 Rutlo & London OS 01) Davis-Daly 51 52 :' Fist Butte .-....! f, , 6j Ji Hancock 1 r, I ill Kew I r, . 53 ! Jv Nevada Utah I 4; 5 Jf Superior Copper '.,..-...! li ,K i 3 1 Troy I 90c 1 , f& Greene G. Silver 70c "75C ' B! Black Mountain I l h jvl Cumberland- Ely . Tlj 1 1:1 Dominion Copper 27 i U Globs Sfti....-.irl II Holvclla I .j 5 J 13 Majestic t w II fc. P '. ' 14 U . Apex ij; .)A Ifl G. G. & S. piC-forred ! 22 M '. . New York "Letter. i , James A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and Bfl broken?. G Wobi Sfcond South street, fur- i f, the following, received over their ' B' private wire yesterday afternoon: M , Walker Bios. Stock Letter Npw York i Si: Market was again routined principally , f !. '9 IradotK. Aftev opening iu!te strong. ; about noon it saggf-d off and a few shorts 1 iworc; puL out. Late in the afternoon I there wait a substantial rally, with Reading a leader. It looks nice a Rood trading ::mrkci and a moderate purchase on any rcccstrfon. Money was easy ""oil r.rotind at 2 per cent, and should eventually even-tually have a bettor Influence. |