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Show JOHN KOOYMAH HAS I MANY REVELATIRHS I Excels Only Original Prophet and Seer at His Own . Game. REPUTED WOULD-BE PLURAL jfl WIFE SO DESCRIBES SEANCE' 'H Notorious Family Again Oecu-pies Oecu-pies the'Tinic of Juvenile Court. -- vfl sYou see, it is this way, Judge; I : am a pretty well educated man, and my ,H wife don't know much. 5 ' Here the wil ' '.1 ncss looked around apprehensively lo " ascertain whether or not his wife had entered the room, and satisfying him- self that she had not, he continued,' 'il "She really don't know nothing, and' 'H that is what causes the trouble. I want' 'jH my children to look up to me and do as' ?- T do, and my wife doesn't. So when. fl I say anything, the frying pang "begin to fly.' This was substantially the answer of, fv John Kooyman, in the Juvcnilo court ' fl Thursday, in reply to the question of . whother or not he and his wife had i're- " jH quent quarrels. Kooyman at first.' wautcd lo know how' often "frequent" was. and when he had been told, ho made the above explanation. Kooyman a Seer. IH Kooyman was before the court to show cause why his children should not. be taken from hira, for tho reason that they arc not being properly cared for. i jH Tho ramifications of the case, however, promise to go into realms not usually & explored iu cases of this kind. 'fi Alleged revelation promisea to cut a I considerable figure. When it comes to " revelations, Kooyman, if tho word ot ' vM the woman in the caao prevails, may be J rH able to show that he can givo Joseph F.. -IH Smith cards and spades and beat him j v''jfH out at the finish. lH Kooyman is said to be in love witt fiH a woman, other than his wife. It is iH even claimed that Mrs. Kooyman has IH asked the woman to como to the Kooy- jl man home and become the plural of s .Kooyman. jH To Describe BevelatiouB. IH This woman will, testify next Satur- jH day that Kooymau has told her re- peatcdly that he hao received rev el a-tions a-tions that ahe must become his wife. James IT- Smith appeared for Kooy- man in the hearing Tuesday, and 1l was extremely interesting "at tinies jH Kooyman declared that he thought the . world of hio children, and thai 'ho had t alwaj's cared for them , to the best of his ability. Ho also denied thai, ho. - jH drank to excess, and said that he had not beeu drunk for nineteen or twenty IH years. IH Mrs. Cornelius Kooyman, the former IH daughter-in-law of Kooyman. testified that she heard Kooymau say -on one occasion that the children could "go to hell and damnation" for all he -cared. After the matter had been threshed over for a little more than two hours, " jH and Judgo Gowans was on the verge LH of collapse, the further bearing of the IH case was continued until next Satur- 'al day. '1 |