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Show T j fXEVADA DOUGLAS STILL lit SELLING RICH ORES " s fcj 'ie evada. Doilas company of Ver-' Ver-' I Tn5ton again Is in the local ore market 1 I "th- some highly declrablo red metal rock. i' 8'JTt' cara have just been settled for, tho , I ftore averaging, in both cases, 12 per cent. S &'rd from the property is to the effect J jtthat the north drift on the GFO-foot level 1 x,is breaking into native copper, which 3 lleads the management to the conclusion 1 ffitnat 8omc mighty lnteroKtlng ore develop-' develop-' 3 ffments are within easy reach of the pres-3 pres-3 jnt point. J I Ore and Bullion. . 9 S '-The ore and bullion receipts for Tues-r Tues-r I qy arlven by McCornick &. Co.. were aa I JWJITows; Ore, ?12.000; bullion, 530.000. "9 . Metal Market, i a' The mfttal quotations for Tuesday, '' JP6ted by MrCornlck & Co.. wore as fol-'flows; fol-'flows; Silver. 55Jc; lead, ?3.75: copper u cathodes, 139c. ' a i .. S 9 Miirtng Notes. ' (j ft Dave Lommon. superintendent of the k f Sombport Mining company, was in the p city Tuesday from Stockton. - w Superintendent O. A. Jncobson and Wll- 8 i Ham C, Balrd of the Columbus Consoli-' Consoli-' 5 dated company left for Alta yesterday ... morning. i Thomas Weir, manager of the Uto Cop-i Cop-i ?er company, was In Uingham on Tucs-m Tucs-m r daV, looking over this property. ' uF" ' Taylor, president of thr Taylor & m X Sri,ntn company, arrived in Salt Lake V i XUS&W on his usual visit of Inspection. "4 - nnrles Snyder, manng'ir of the West-k. West-k. ;kl j'n Ore Purchasing company, Is in this I f fe. e'ty from his Nevada headquarters. i "4 i XfP'irJutor Thrron Ccddcs of the Swansea S ? IlnJng company, was busy on Tuesday r ",1?ct,"E and fonvardlng the books nnd -'fl ft i!or records of th'is company to the new ''to K H. S. McCaffrey, manager of th Salt - V. i Coppar company, has resigned to 3 - "ecen'e superintendent and metallurgist 71 I ? T1Uli; Smoltlng uompany. Wllllnrn si I ,5,u'r succeeds him with the Salt jOtM eoiupany. JSC |