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Show 111 I Jsalt ake $f Hmn.; HIT ' flM . - Issued ovcry inornlHff by Salt Laku Tribune Publishing Company. W( TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, jm n Dully nn'd Sunday Tribune, week...? .25 m !, Dally and. Sunday, ono months 1.03 y Dally and Sunday, throo months... S.00 RJ5 Dally and Sunday, ono. year 12-00 ff Sunday Tribune, one year 2.00 SE Sunday Trlbuno, six' months 1.00 x- ; Seml-Weeltly Tribune, one year.... 1.50 r;K -f -S. C. Beckwlth Spoolal Agency, bole Eastern Advertising A stent, limtorn ox- W ' flee. Tribune BuildinK. Now York; West- i; ; cm ofllcc. Tribujio Hnllrtlng. Chicago. L? c B Business communications chould bo ail- jfe drcnaed: "Tho Tribune, Salt Lakn City, jfi Matters for publication, to "Editor The K Tribune. Salt Lako City. Utah." . Jtt Wlicro Tlio Tribune Is on Sale, tit Murray' Utah Excelsior Stationary Co., UK Ogden,PUtah Branch office, Broom hotel. Hp Provo. Utah A. V. Rolilson, 27 E. Center pK street. . . 0t ' Nc' York Hotel Imperial: ald01'-. torla; Hotnllng's, Broadway and Tmr- i-L ty-clghth street , nr Vte Philadelphia Ryan's Theater Ticket or- m, Chicago Auditorium Hotel: Palmer Ha Kouee: Van's Book and Exchange. SB Washington New Wijlard News Stand. MR Omaha Union Station Newn Stand, fl Kansas City Yonia Nowp Co. j ' Portland Bowman Ncwa Co.; Oregon Br ' I.o's Angeles B. E. Amos", !? San Francisco Amos Nowc Co.: FOBter A Orcar; Ferry Bldg.; Hutchison W cws Co-' I'arent'B Stationery -o.. lH.i SeatthAmiNewn Co.; A. M. Keys. hmi Denver Brown Palace; Kendrlck book MP and Stationers' Co.; H. P. Hanson; Htir- Silr.i vcy News Service. . , p Boise Idanha Hotel; Bolsa Book and Porntollo Chaffc & Co. 1-, Butte John G. Evans; Keefo Bros.. P. O. Ml " News Stand. B-t Entered at the Postofflce at Salt Lake R$ ft City as second-class matter. Tribuuo Bell Telephones. aaa7 B200 Circulation '4 5001 Advertising IV , 5202 , , Bookkeeper Al'l H203 Manager .ft ' . 52M , City Editor ';f J 6205 Managing Editor Atv 5206 Editor in Chief iV B207 ; , Toll desk W B20S Administration 1; 5209 Composing Room f,: B210 Tetegraph and Art .. 5211 .. Engraving Dcp't A ' . Independent Telephones. El For oil Departments 360. 381, 3S Ii . ' ' J ! f A Wednesday, 'January "29 1961 " ' if " - . |