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Show HEAVY LOSS RESULTS FROM OIL LAND -FIRE SAN LUIS OBISPCT. Cal., Jan. 28. The flro which was started yesterday after-nortn after-nortn in an olh lank . belonging, to tho Union Olf company at port Harford by a stroko of lightning, .hurhed all of last night and until. Iat this afternoon, consuming, con-suming, with their contents, the jank whlc.li was first sot on .lire and three others belonging to the Standard Oil com-r pany. No other "damngo was' .done, although al-though it was thought at ono time' that' nothing could save tho Marro hotel, the' Por.t Harford wharf and several cottages bolonging to workmen around the oil tank6. The total loss Is roughly estimated at $150,000. . |