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Show OMjAZTEC COMPANY HAS -if CAR OP ORE IN MARKET any r j 1 Some lime ago the Aztec Mining com-. com-. :Sipauy was formed, since which a great, ftfifi ideal of quiet development work has been' fuu done. It was not until yoaterday, libw-. libw-. J, jever, that the new company emphasized i fits existence sufficiently to call attention ' 'v8to ielf, and it did this by sending in a T tear of silver-lead ore., in spite of the 'Wpresent dry season for Utah producers. IgfV? ;TJiis car is expected to run anywhere 'OUi1 iround 25 per cent lead and twenty ounces i'allver to the ton The ore is from Ihe 1 . -200-foot level, where the management has 'flpj itwo feet of similar grade of rock. i '''e -ztec company look over among ', (other interests the Montezuma mining en, -property at Bingham. The Montezuma, 3ui idurlnET the present season, has sent in Aj Isome extremely fine rock, and ak the new ' ' jnwner is determined on sounding- greater j'deplhs than those at present available. It sli:is pretty certain that with an Improve-ment Improve-ment in the metal indrket the Aztec will a j.ibe among the liberal producers of sllver-gf sllver-gf J .lead in that camp. Tlje force of men now WAJ'i employed in the mine will sink to the 250- ri foot level at once, iyi f Among the official family of the Aztec lUf Lare several well known Salt Lake and a Eastern capitalists, the list Including M. ewhouse, A. J. Ucttles. Peter Porter, HSiI'A D' Porter and Bert L.. Smith, the lat-fw lat-fw LJ of Tonopah, Nev. |