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Show SOCIALIST EXPLANATION OF DELCASSE'S DOWNFALL PARIS. Jan. 27. The Action, a Socialistic So-cialistic organ. toda3' publishes a statement that M". Delcasse. the former French Minister of Foreign ' Affairs, resigned office becauso the German Emperor Em-peror discovered that he was secretly secret-ly negotiating an offensive and defensive de-fensive alliance with Great Britain. When Emperor William learned of the treat, according to this newspaper, ho told the Italian Embassador at Berlin Ber-lin that on tho da3' it was signed ho would march Gorman troops into Lorraine. This threat reached France, whereupon M. Rouvicr, who was then Premier, accused M. Dclcasso df carrying carry-ing on secret negotiations. M. Delcasse Del-casse admitted that this was true, and at the request of his coufcrcc, ho resigned. re-signed. Den3s Cochin, in an interview today,) i pronounced the statement in a great measure untrue, and snys it is an' outgrowth out-growth of the alarmist campaign that was conducted at tho time of M. Delcasse Del-casse 's downfall. The Patrie, supplementing the alleged al-leged revelation in the Action, says that onh' M. Dolcnsso and M. Loubet, who was then President of- France, v:ere awaro of the Anglo-French negotiations. nego-tiations. When M. Rouvier took M. Delcasse to task at. the famous. Cabinet meeting of June 6, 1005, for keeping his colleagues in ignorance of theso negotiations, and demanded his resignation resig-nation within half an hour, ho used, according to- the Eatric, tho following words: "Your attitudo is criminal ;'y-ou de serve to bo stood up against a wall and shot." Tho Eclairo contributes a chapter of this alleged secret history. It al-loges al-loges that M. Delcasse throw over rhe entire policy of M. Ilanotaux, : former Minister oi Foreign Affairs, for the purpose of playing England's game. After tho battle of Coleuso, during the Boer war, Russia proposed a mutual understanding, that fehould mako easier Franco's courso in Morocco and Russia's projected plans in Eg37.1t. This M. Dolcasse refused, however, how-ever, and notified . Great Britain of Russia's actiou. The final result, the Eclaire concludes, was an entente by which Great Britain traded something alio did not possess in Morocco for France's interests in Egypt. |