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Show AMUSEMENTS j"HH-HvHM- f IN SALT LAKE THEATERS. r . SALT LAKE THEATER "The -J- j- Man of tho Hour." Mallnec, -' v 2:16. Evening. S:15. . J? GRAND THEATER "1011 Yon- S?3o" IMaUnee' -:?, -Evening. -I- 4- ORPHEUM THEATER Advanced $ T vaudeville. Matinee, 2:15. Even- 4- lng. S:15. T j- LYRIC THEATER "Caniille." V -Matinee, 2:15. Evening. S:15. v .j. r"HI-'--H-H--I-I---HK--iH!n-ji Anotlicr big audience greeted "The Man of tho Hour."' at tho Salt Lalto Theater, Tuosday night. Tho plav, which deals with tho most important municipal mu-nicipal problems and which also carries with It a dollghlful love story, has been a most successful one. The history of tho success of this play reads nioro like a novel romance- lhan tho record of a eUgo production. Tho play was lirst acted act-ed in Albany, Is". Y., Octobor 27. 1000. It was n mere "brcnk-ln" nothing moro than a public dress-rehearsal. Two performances per-formances were given, afternoon and night. At tho matinee the audience Is said to have represented Just $9S In money; at night ?100S, nearly ?900 of which represented seats sold after tho matinee That afternoon audience, small as It was., had enlisted the Interest of the entire cltyiby declaring tho plav was the greatest over seen In that city. " The play has duplicated this growth in popularity wherever it has been seen. There will bo a matinee this afternoon at the Grand theater of "Yon Yonson," with Ben Hendricks in the title role, and a porformance tonight. At tho Saturday Satur-day matinee Mr. Hendricks will present to the holders of the five winning numbers num-bers tho family of Teddy boars now on oxhlbitlon in Keith-O'Brien's window at Third South and Main streets. 0 The hill at tho Orpheum drew a capacity capa-city audionco, Tuesday night. Tho programme pro-gramme Is as good as the one which preceded pre-ceded It last. week, when hundred of people were turned away every night. The Empire is the latest theater to open in Salt Lako. There aro moving pictures and a vaudeville show. The thealor is on Stale between First and Socond South strecU?. Sunday evening noxt th Salt Lake Symphony orchestra will . give a concert at the Orpheum thealor. Seat sale opens Thursday. |