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Show LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS. e Chicago. CHICAGO. Jan. 2S. Cattle Receipt?', about 5500; market steady', beeves. $3.75 il.flO ; cows and heifers. JLTOfiD 1.75; Texnns, $3.-10'4.10; Wcsternn. 53.804.75; shockers and feeders, $2.70-1.70. Efogs Receipts, aboul, 33,000; market 5c lower; light. -"S 1 -2054.I5 , mixtd, $-L25(J 1.55; heavy, $1.25-1.55; pigs, 53.6u-i.30; bulk of sales, ?4.40tfzH.45. b'heep Receipts, about 15,000; market strong; natives, -3. tO'tl5.00: Westerns, S3.-0 i5.6(i. yearlings. $5,00tf2ii,75; lambs. SD.OOCtS 1.25; Westerns, $5.007.30. Kansas .City. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 2S. Cattle Receipts, Re-ceipts, 12,000, Including 400 .Southerns; market steady; native steers. $4.20(Q5.65: native cows and heifers, 52.I0ffp i.S0; stock-ers stock-ers and feeders, $8.00-1.60: bulls, $2.90 1.15; calves. $3 50(5'6.00; Western steers, $3.90(?D5.25; Western cows, 52.75(ci4.50. Ilogs Receipts. 20,000; market steady to 5c higher; bulk of sales, $4.2n5M,-l5; heavy, 1. -104.50; puckers, $4 25-l.45; pigs and lights. $3. 70 ffS4.no.' .Sheep Receipts, 6000; .market strong; muttons, $4.25tf"5.00; lamlw. $6.257,00; range wethers, $4.50(6.00; fed ewes, $4.25 ('5.00. South Omaha. ' SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 2S. Cattle Receipts, Re-ceipts, 6000; market slow to steady, native steers, S3.05Ii3.60: cows and heifers. ?2.25 r?'4.40; Western steers, $3.254.70; Texas steers. $3.004.10; cows and heifers. $2 00 3.75; cannerH. $1.752.50; stockcrs nnd feeders. S2.S0 1.70.; calves, $3.005.75; bulls and slags. $2 DOtfT 1.00. Hogs Receipts, 14,000; market G(glOc lower; heavy. S4.201.30; mixed, $4.15'5. 1.25. light. $4.104.20; pigs. $:W0'4.U0; bulk of sales. SI. 15 1.20. Sheep Receipts, 6000; market steady to strong; yearlings. 5.50Ji;6.00; wethers. S 1.00 ,5.20; ewes, 34 50(J-4.S0; lambs. S6.40TD 6.S0. St. Joseph, j ' St7 JOSEPH. Jan. 28. Cattle Receipts, ! 1S00; market 10c higher: natives, $ LOOS' 5.00; cows and heifers, $2.004.75; stackers and feeders. !53.50g4.23. Hogs Receipts. 11,000; market 10c lower; low-er; top. 54.45; bulk, 54.20Qi-l.35. t Sheep Receipts, 6200; market .10c- hlsh-J er; lambs. $6.007.00; yearlings. $5.60 I G.25. Available Grain Supply. j NEW YORK, Jan. 2S. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by . Bradstreet's. show the following changes in available supplies, as compared com-pared with previous accounts: Available supplies: Wheat. United States, east of Rockies Decrease. 329,000 bushels; Canada, In-; In-; crease, 71.000 bushels; total. United Stales and Canada, decrease 25S.OO0 bushels: bush-els: afloat for and In Europe. Increase 2,200.000 bushels; total American and European Eu-ropean supply, increase 1.912.000 bushels. Corn, I'nllcd Slates and Canada Increase. In-crease. 1.15S.0OO bushels. Oats, United States and Canada Increase. In-crease. 103.000 bushchy ' Tho leading increases and decreases ro-! ro-! ported this week follow: I Increases Portland. Me.. 135,000 bushels: bush-els: Milwaukee, private elevators. 90.000 bushels; Minneapolis, private elevators. 50,000 bushels; Watertown. Sjj D., 50.000 bushels. J Decreases Manitoba. 209.000 bushels: j Louisville. 127,000 bushels; Omaha, 106,000 j i bushels. ! |