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Show THREE UNHAPPY WIVES APPLY Eflil DIVORCES All Charge Their Liege Lords With Desertion and Failure Fail-ure to Provide. Married and deserted the same day is the stovy recited in a. divorce complaint com-plaint filed iu the District, Court. Saturday Sat-urday by Hannah M'. Kissinger against Henry Kissinger. The dato of the marriage mar-riage was June 5, J HOG. Her husbnnd, she declares, has never lived with her. Sho asks that her maiden name, Hannah Han-nah McMahon, bo restored to her. Sndic Macklin Russell has brought suit for divorce from John Russell on the ground of d.isortion. They were married at Rawlins, Wyo., May 'A, 1901, and she. says that, ho left her and her two childron hovcu months ago. She asks for a divorce, for the custody of her children, for $25 a month ali-moii3- and for an attorney's fee of $o0. Hettie M. Robinson sues John W. Robinson, a bartender, for divorce on iho ground of desertion, They were married in Salt, Lake Juno 2(5, 1 1)02, and the date of the desertion is stated in tho complaint to have been November fl, J 003. Mrs. Eobinson nsks for $50 a month permanent alimony, alleging that her husnand is well able lo pay it. |