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Show DOLLY VARDEN MINES SHOWJMPBOVEMENT Activity There and at Mizpah Counting Well for Showing of Pay Ores. DOLLY VARDEN SPRINGS, Juno 27. The past two weeks have marked a decided de-cided improvement all over the mining area in this particular part of Nevada. Many new arrivals at botlj Dolly Varden City and at Dolly Varden Springs speak of the rapidly awakening interest the mining fraternity is taking in this wonderful won-derful and recently discovered mineral zone. A day or two ago your correspondent correspond-ent had occasion to show George F. Nowman. ex-Shorlff of White Pino county, coun-ty, and J. II. Millick or Ely. over the Copper Key and Badger groups, at the conclusion of which Mr. Millick said: v el . I have devoted six months In traveling over New Mexico. Arlrona and Nevada in looking over mining grounds, lou have shown me within the last three hours moro ore and better grounds than I havo seen during the whole six months of my soarch.' Mr. Newman, seconded this remark with the addition that "I have never seen anything like It." Theso two groups lay in the eastarn foothills of the Dolly Varden range, commencing only three-fourths of a mile west of the great springs where thirty-five years ago a. smelter was erected to subdue the ore3 from the Victoria mines lying sovcn miles west. Aside from the copper and silver values, a test assay was made on tho 6th inst. for the gold contents from the sur,face quartz. From three average samples sam-ples the result was $2.80, ?6.I0 and $9.C0. To pay that these figures were an agreeable agree-able surprise to the owners of the grounds is putting it very mildly. From the enormous enor-mous tonnage of the same quartz which covers a space of over 1000 feet In width and traceable for over a half mile In longth. It is simply Impossible to make a reasonable cstlmato of how much there is under the surface, but It Is safe to say that the quartz tonnago will amount to millions. Higher values In gold from these groups have been reported In The Tribune, as well aa copper and silver. The short and easy wagon haul to great abundance of water lends to this property more than ordinary value. Within a half mile to the north and on the same general gen-eral contact President Goorgc M. Nix haH recommenced work on the Virginia and other adjacent lodes. From the dumps of the Virginia lode great boulders of copper cop-per ore snow to the Inspector Its purity Jn thin metal In native flnke form; the scintillation being very beautiful to look upon. Mr. Ed J. Austlon Is superintendent superintend-ent of the Dolly Varden Copper company, of which tho Virginia Is a part. William Koonc has, taken a contract to sink 450 feet on the grounds. George F Newman, tho Millick brothers (J. H.. A. J. and Albert) Al-bert) and F. B. Matson, all of Ely. havo located a group of seven claims adjoining to and extending southwest and northwest north-west from the Copper Key group, above alluded to. They have struck some very flnp Jead-sllvor ore within tho week, as well as copper, and. unlike many claim owners here, as well as elsewhere, they have already commenced a 150-foot shaft, and within the coming month will have a full complement of men at work, to stay there until a full-fledged mine Is developed, devel-oped, Mr. Newman owns and has Just completed his work on six claims joining the Cumberland group, owned by John Mungerson, near Dolly Varden City. The O'Moore fc McAuley mine continues to show about the same class of oro at 1 -15-foot depth. Iron and copper sulphide comes up with every bucket. Four heavy freight teams arrlyed In Dolly Varden Springs today. Tlicy will commence loading load-ing ore nt once for shipment over tho Northern Nevada railroad from the Antelope An-telope siding fifteen miles north of this point. The ore teams arc under the management man-agement of Mr. J. Roblson of Grantsvllle, Utah. To avoid complication. It se.etns advisable to state here that-the frequont use of the names "Dolly Varden City'1 and "Dolly Varden Springs" should be explained ex-plained to tho reader. While In the same mining, district the two points are separated sepa-rated by a distance of sovcn miles, east and west. Dolly Varden City has been surveyed and platted as a townslte, and Dollv Vnrdon Springs will be as soon as Mr. "William McCurdy, the owner of the grounds, can complete his arrangements to do so. sThls would have been done some weeks ago had It not been for the fact that his springs were under bond for a consideration of $5000 This embargo em-bargo has been taken away by reason of tho purchasing party falling to comply with the bonds' conditions. While on foot between Mizpah, Moove's camp, and White City. Nix's camp, your correspondent mot Joseph Davis of Mizpah Miz-pah In tho midst of a heavy rainstorm. Under the shelter of a cedar tree by th side of tho trail Mr. Davis said that he was Interested In several claims there. That .T, D. McKay was the possessor of nine good claims. That from tho Tenderfoot Ten-derfoot group the proprietors were taking out gold on; averaging 363. that on the Northern a Hhaft and drift had revealed copper ore showing a value of 21 per cent A forc of nine men are at work on this properly. C. McPhadden has six men working on a vein fifty feet wide. George Chesley is doing assessment work on the Hillside group, upon which he has struck an ore vein six feet In width at a depth of forty feet. Tho proprietors of Willow Canyon group are unearthing fine ore. To the north of this at Fisher s camp good results afc reported, but no particulars received. |