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Show POOATELLO BRIEFS. Game Warden Prosecuting Pollution of Portneuf River With Sawdust. Special to The Tribune POCATBLLO. Juno 30. E. M. Webb, C. L. Bishop. A. .1. Uumron and i. C. Skeon. oftleers or the Rabbit Creek Lumber Lum-ber company at Inlcom, won- nrrfsfrl yesterday bv Deputy State Oame Warden War-den Moroland for polluting tho Portneiii river with .-awdiiPt. They wore tried bn-fore bn-fore -Justice of the Peace Masonhclmur horo and lined an ngsrepat" of and costs. The deputy warden Is determined to rlcidlv enforce tlie Slnte pajne laws in this part of the Slate. The Idaho Pne!;IiUs comnaiy of Ihi.'-cH Ihi.'-cH has begun tho construction of a private pri-vate telephone line from Its .phint In t pocdtello .o Its ranch near InUom. Fnrin- , ers on the route will bo given service If thev ih'slro. and connections will bo made live miles from McCainmim with the new MeCatnmon Telephone company's system. Th order of County Attorney Gray for I the closing of the "w;i)k-d city." otherwise the restricted dJptrlrt. in Pocatcllo will I bi effective .tomorrow niornlm,'- About slxtv women are nffected in thV city alone, and about ten In various other parts of the county. Ouo thousand r.annock. Shoshone. Bunko nnd Icmhl Indians aro gathered n't two different pinion along the Portneuf Port-neuf river about ten miles below here, and are engaging In their annual war dances, which last thirty-six hours, ending end-ing with a big fenst lasting for anolhe r two days. , 9 w l"r C. K. M. I.OUN. Mayor of Pocatcllo Poca-tcllo and Miss Mnrlha Dolman, u popular popu-lar teacher In the Pocatcllo High school, were married at the home of the bride's uncle In Rut to Krldny night, nnd returned re-turned homo yesterday. |