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Show NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Hannanah Mining and Smelting Company. Com-pany. Principal place of business Salt Lako City. Utah. Notlco Is hereby given that at a meeting meet-ing of the board of directors of the Han-napah Han-napah Mining and Smelting company, held at the offico of tho company on tho 9th day of April, A. D. 1901. an assessment assess-ment of ono-fourth (&) cent per sharo was levied on tho capital slock of tho corporation Issued and outstaying, pay-ablo pay-ablo Immediately to AV. E. Block, secretary secre-tary of tho company, at his office. C03 Dooly block. Salt Lako City, Ulnh. Any stock upon which this assessment mav remain unpaid on the Hth day of May, A. D. 1901. will bo delinquent and advortlsed for sale at publlo auction, and unless payment Is made beforo will bo sold on tho second day of June. A. D. 104, to pay tho delinquent assessment, togothor with tho cost of advertising and cxponso of sale, W. E, BLOCK, ul228 Secretary. |