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Show DALY WEST ORE BINS COLLAPSE; LOSS $10,000 Special to Tho Tribune. PARK CITY, Utah, May 12--AS a result of tho giving away of tho dirt of an old dump, upon which a part of tho Daly West workH aro built, tho largo ore bins, in which tho mill!nK oro Is first stored, collapsed early this mo?nfng occasioning considerable loss to Tlfo of which there are some sixteen, each holding about ICO tons of ore. were built ast winter upon what was supposed to be nt the time sufficiently solid ground. They were finished In the early part of tho year and huvo been used to their full capacity over since. Tho estimated loss to property is approximately $10,000. Peter Beuhman fell from a horse here jesterday and received a severe scaln wound, J e "W". I. Snyder of the California is in town today to Investigate the recent finds retorted re-torted from that property. WO i yv- .and. lrl- Arthur "Water entertained last night In honor of Miss Tlolon Hcaley or Ogdcn, who la spending tho week with them. |