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Show ?j : f women and girls. B TStj J Why should this be the case? Because they have neglected themselves. , jjjjii jSj0fTl' X Ever'' one of these patients in the hospital beds had plenty of warning in that bearing-down feeling, pain at the left or Jij ! lj ;J ; I ct3S!f V1 right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of the back. All of these things are indications of an unhealthy ': i ' I .JW ffa? condition of the ovaries or womb. B ' H J , I JS Im y What a terrifying thought 1 These poor souls are lying there on those hospital beds awaiting a fearful operation. mJ ' 1' ! I i V T$f jjfi if E not drag along at home or in your place of employment until you are obliged to go to the hospital and submit to an MB l ( i ll WJ $ examination and possible operation. Build up the female system, cure the derangements which have signified themselves by 'ffl !' fZ danger signals, and remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved thousands of women from the hospital. 1 Mm ! H P f Read the letters here published with the full consent of the writers, and see how they escaped the knife by a faithful reliance m m . H P on Mrs Pmkriam's advice and the consistent treatment of , jfjjl ; H I h I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound f rlm I Wlilmiki WMsi'f t Wv'JM 1 ( In "I "was taken sick very suddenly July 13th with severe cramps, or pains. "I suffered with female trouble for over eight years, had womb trouble ' jFjff v I H I ---! mftMwW& f&lmi iMulfli SllvMMwvm I summoned a doctor and was in bed a week lying on my .back all the time, arid painful menstruation. Have been under tho care of doctors who said t4?iT MSI Wml f Wmffi llim mlVmWfW W V The pains left me very sore. In a few weeks I was feeling better but was I vould have to submit to an operation before I could be cured. I suifered f ' I &ism I H Sft W 11 MiWraLiSi MllfffliMil' ' 60011 taken sick again with those pains and had another doctor. This one everything. 'ILll ' BmW l'H I PHlfl'ffifl ffil 5 Sill S iVk : 1 R ' i ' said I had neuralgia pains of the stomach and ovaries. He injected mor- "One day I picked up a paper and noticed your advertisement and a WJ M ' ---! ffl yili 2 Ilfl! qm fill is m! J fy'll !! 'a ' phine and eased me again, but I remained sore and weak from the pains and testimonial from a friend I knew, stating your medicine had cured her so I vffll I mm&i m v S wlH Hlfi Isti' EsIPIIbI l I ll iff ''' continued to flow for one month and three days without stopping for thought I would try it. I told my husband I would give up all doctors and J W mwSSbII la ''! so I'll M li Hi rtl ini vlif uli 1 V la H oue day. . . try your medicine. I began using your medicine just two months ago and Jfi wl m$$M 15 1 H a liillll W&m XmuMiii all 8? n ' " e doctors wanted to scrape the womb, saying the lining was inflamed, cannot say enough on its praise. Menstruation comes freely now without Mjf SfPm 1 Pll MM fill iliinlSl I ill Ml ' I had a pain at times in my right ovary and felt weak nearly all the time. pain. zsr Hi mlfSffi! m ' 1 llHuilli I iff ill! Vm 11 w I I ; ony twenty years old, never was sick until this sickness in July. "kydia E. Pinlcbam's Vegetable Compound b.3S brought health, joy ff I B HM ! il likttln'rffll w I ill lr I t il 1 ilenses never lasted more than four days and never an ache or a pain. and happiness to me. My advice to all suffering women is to try your f llm WlSk Si . ' ( r?i5K5ay "I began the use of lA'dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Vegetable Compound." Mbs. Fiied MoNAuanTON, Box 401, Breckenridge, l FkSG 1 1 i) r mB. WrMZrr soon was feeling better. I am now well and strong again. Your medicine Minn. j j' iBB IQ IvilPip4 naB shoved me of tho pain in my side and stopped my flowing which the h f fi H ! a. gaj&gjP? doctors COUld not do. I jPfllfifi FORFEIT it wo cannot forthwith produce tho oriRin.V. letters and 53S SiW ' M ' BKiiiHfJ " I feel very grateful to you and can recommend your medicine to all suf- j I riignaturee 01 iw" lcii'Di?in'?' v,'i''iro? -hwinto gen- fe2ss ife'5 1 H Fifty Years the Standard 'Improves mi adds fo tho lagaSflifeSness of ft fd '1 PRICE BAKING POWDER OO., CHICAGO. J OJ.STOH.IA. Beam tho Kind YO'J Hi)V8 Always Bough! EXCURSION RATES Via Oregon Short Lino. St. Louis and return 512.50 Chicago and return -17.00 Chicago nnd return via St. Louis. C0.00 St. Louis and return via Chicago.. 50.00 Limit CO days. Transit limit 10 days in each direction. Tickets on salo Tuesdays and Fridays each week. Stopovers allowed. i The grocer would be too ' comfortable if all his goods were like Schilling's Best and 1 backed by the maker as they arc. ! vMoneyback. J The entire stock will be sold out AT SALE PRICES. We Need the Money. Js I j j ' ' j 25 per cent to 60 per cent Saved on your Shoe Purchases this Spring. 'rl ' FOUR BARGAINS THAT W8L.L GO UN A HURRY ! i H fl-!- J Ladies Patont Ideal lCid.E. P. Roed's fljp T ' Mon'tf VIci or Vulour Sprinft Stock. rrp j j- j'H make. VnJue $3.50 4- 0 25 Per Cent Off Value $3.50 . , vS. I O ; Ladle-V Goodyeaf Wolfs, nv styles. Opr School Shoes. Men's Calf Shoos, all sizos and & v opr Value 53.30 fcfi - vidrhs. Value $3.00 OO j P 'H jgBggBaMaMESpgaMMgaMBIMMaMBB j |