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Show WHAT SWENDSEN FOUND ALONG BEAR RIVER Prof. George L. Swendsen. engineer in charge of the Government reclamation reclama-tion service in Utah, has returned from a trip to the Bear river country, where he found the work under the direction of Engineer "W. 1'. Hardesty progressing pro-gressing in good form. This Mork is for the purpose of locating the best points of diversion on the Bear river, the most serious difficulty in connection connec-tion ulth utilizing the waters of that stream for the Greater Utah Irrigation project being in finding -places convenient con-venient for diverting the waters. Surveys Sur-veys of the river were made last winter win-ter from the headwaters as far southward south-ward as the Bancroft valley, and Hie work was resumed at that point this spring, the intention being to make the examination thorough all the way down to the Utah district. It Is expected to havo the work completed some time In June, when the department will have In hand all information needed for making plans and estimates for the Bear river portion of the bis irrigation schemt. |