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Show THERE was a lino, of seventy-five or mor? people at tho Salt Lako Theatre The-atre when tho Manslleld salo opened op-ened yesterday morning. Those at the head of the column had been thero idnco midnight. So. notwithstanding the increaso in tho price of many first-class seats to I2.C0. tho demard was strong. But It was stated at the theatre In the afternoon, after-noon, when tho rush was over, that thero wero a good many good seats left. Ono of tho biggest houses of the season Is. howevor, nssurcd. The curtain will rlso at S sharp. tt Curtis Berry, a Salt Lake man. has sued his wife for divorce, on tho ground that sho has a mania for going to tho theatres, attending at least four times a week. Y Norma Whalley. the actress, has- secured se-cured In New York a decree of annul-mont annul-mont of her marriage to James R. Mathews, Ma-thews, tho actor known on tho stage as Shcrrlc Mathews. He was formerly a member of the theatrical llrm of Mathews it Bulger. Mathow3 and Miss Whalley wero married on March 25, 1901. Miss Whalley left hor husband soon nftcr tho marriage. Tho ground for the annulment was that Mathews hod mado a false representation to Miss Whalloy concerning his physical condition. con-dition. Tfie noxt time .she will no doubt rcnulro a physician's certificate. u The cry of "Fire" by a man In the gallon,- started a rush for the doors at Hopkins's Hop-kins's theatre in Chicago last Sunday afternoon, af-ternoon, which noarly emptied tho houso and Interrupted the per form ance. Several women fainted in the rush, but nono wero serlouslv Injured, although several wero bruised 'and lacerated and then" clothing torn. ,, . , , , The actors turned to the frightened au-dlenco au-dlenco and shouted reassurances. Thoy said It was a false alarm and tho house-was house-was fireproof, but their admonitions were unheeded. . , Within five minutes only a fow of the audience of ?50 were left in the theatre. Thev had tied Into State street and out upon tho flro escapes. The excitement attracted at-tracted a big crowd and the cable trulns were blocked. Tho trouble had started when two boys In the gallcrv came to blow?. Tho mnn who tshouted lire escaped during tho rush. i The Indians and Elders quit their rivalry ri-valry last evening to witness "Shenandoah." "Shenan-doah." Great Interest is being taken In the Pink Tea matlneo to bo given by tho Ellefords tomorrow afternoon. |