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Show H) ''ill i 3 "I haro Dsed your -vain able Cmcnreti nnil And 1 ij j fll item perfect. Conltln't Jo without ihetn. I linve H ; ' (I la inert tbcia for snmo tlmn for ludlteitlon nd bll- 1 ''ji'M ' lu locsqcx nnd om now completely enrol, Kecoin. H ' T il i til o-ml tliom to nvco'ono. Onco tried, you vrlll H 51.)' i I IS cc7rr be Trltbout tbtici In Ibo IhuiUy " 1 ill '! dn brd A. Murz. Albany, K.T. H!lii- i:il Best for 11 5 i The Bowels . Hi 'Hi il Ifl PIoanut. Palatable. Potent, Tntto Good. Do Oood, Hr 'if K i)B 'W Sfvcr HicU-n, WeoVen or (iripo. 10c. Sc.ICc. JJsvjr H' i if i y 3" !B 'oll !u bulk. Thn cAunlno tablet atatnped COO. HH H H ' I IS Stertlnc Remedy Co., Chlcaco or N.Y. 603 ' -! i I mui SALE' TEH ffllLL10H E0XES -7 SU AMERICAN european977 S1.00 to S3.00 HU 1 Pembroke Sells Thorn. Wagemaker bookcases. See them. Fretful babies become calm and peaceful babies when fed on Mellin's Food. Mcllin'o Food nourishes. A sample of Mcllln's Food costo you nothbif but tho asking, Will you not then wle !o it for your baby'o oakc? MELLIN'S HOOD CO.. D03TON, MASS. ITho Summer Shirt tho happy 1 thought of tho season. H "When tho hot weather comes H on you want to feel and appear H Select your now novelties in m shh't patterns now, while the H stock is complete. Champagne and gun metal shades are among- tho successes. I Either pleated or plain front; j coats, cufl! on or separate. I "Star" Shirts, SI. 50, S1.75 and S2.50. "Sicgel" 91.OO shirt, "the Q Lest over.' j ' 61-63-65 Main St. flW'Uli liMlil 'ill i 'J iiniltWHWHI ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME You began to think of a refreshing summer tonic or beverage? Of course, you desire the best no mistake mis-take can be made by ordering a case of Select THE BEER YOU LIKE. One trial Is all we a3k. Put up in quarts or pints. A small glassful two or three times a day will add strength and vitality. Fred Krug Brewing Co. ADAM SNYDER, Agent. Telephone, 10G1-Y. 276 S. Main St., Salt Lake City. IrThe Best Whiskey I Needs no Praise. 1 Old Cambridge Rye 1 Old Crow Bourbon a THE ZAING, I ROPER & MATER, J n S6-23 "W. Second South St. m JJk Manufacturer of II IJ and dealer 1 n GEj Jewelry and dia- H monds and other preolous stones. "We pay particular attention to I flrtrt-class watch repairing. Are well Drepared to do all work in 1 that line, as we carry a full as-. B cortment of material. 1 2 59 SO. MAIN ST I I Wasatch Academy. B B George H. Marshall. Principal p n Mt. Pleasant. Utah I NEW JERSEY ACADEMY I I L N. Smith. Principal. . Loff.in. Utah 1 HUNGERFORD ACADEMY I i Charles F. P.omig, Principal.... Q I Springvllle. Utah S IH COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. j Robert J. Cnskey. Principal ' S Salt Lake City !i PRESBYTERIAN ACADEMIES. H BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOLS g Catalogues free. Correspondence W Pormanontly Cured. STon can bo rrentod at homo irador snme (aranty. Capital eSCO.OOO. YTo solicit tho most nhstlDato cnsen.o Wo hftvecurod tno worst casos In 15 to 35 days. If yoa hivo takon morpary, lodldo pfltanh and still havi ncnos r.nd pains. Mucus Patchei In Mouth. Soro Throat. Pluiplos. Coppor. Colored Spots. Ulcera on any part of tho body, ilair or Evobrows falllnc out, vrrlto for nroofa ot euros. Cook KeasBedy Co. aiOHlSOJIO T5HPLH. CMuco. DJL 100-pt Z - . 'a Metal Furniture, chairs, stools and tables, just the thing for soda fountain and ice-cream parlors No waiting to be "ordered from the East. We car- t & ry a complete stock. Get our prices if you need I anything in this line. FREED FURNITURE I AND CARPET CO. j YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. I : ir 11 ; Ki $ If you would have the easiest running and most sub- J stantlally built Bicycle on thc market - It possesses the highest character of cycle construction, . and embraces all the modern Improvements of merit. Call i and see the new models. J 9 "WTien you need Bicycle sundries of any kind, you'll find q a complete line here. I: ! ' t ; 1 ! The Salt Lake Hardware Co, f EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. il $ 424446 West Second South, j I I DOCTOR COOK CUR" SST j I Prostatic Troubles k Nervous Debility i permanently cired. no mat- -slr Cures quick and radial h B ter how long standing tho f4 20 to 60 days, by my on ft- I dlseaso, in from 5 to 20 days. Vfiff 1 xnous method. I Stricture m g Varicocele I cured In 15 days, .without WT 1 Completely and xxnnSHs'- I cutting, pain, drugs or do- flr jLbA jB ly cured by my ntw p I tentlon from business. ;. SftTlai cess all dlsngrceabU Vfr Wasting Weakness XhrAioh p H Time cur. 10 to Co A s-L safe. ilnlcsa and b!o5U!i W D davfl. by my original, vory A JRj&j An ibsoluto cure IW I ilmple remedy (uaed caclu- jWBSs. VNr lKttl tbed- IK I ,vdy y mo- fmNtt&BSw Blood Pison 11 I Private Diseases flswJa Even- vestice of I cured in S to 10 days, with- ? removed from eystca irtu m I out tho usa of poisonous Jfl' out aid of mercury e. p. IB" I Consultation Is free and invited, an c m consulting mo you nay be WW ui. I nothing that aclencc can devise or skill werfect has been left undone to - l I rou a speedy, safe and pormancnt cure. b W I WRITE me In full confidence, explaining your troubles a tney fj" w R you and receive- by return mall my ho r.tst and candid opinion of your wt- lfL e'eoK wepishl ee gf?H.'."ftJi iWfSM Then why don't you get V&ott "4 Kli ur ,iew tarsic shap sh s J JH3)y4fe They, will cure j-our corns. OJef JJ j -,cWHy Wf made right. They lit right. Thflr. ;1 1 ' rlShU PrlCe j The Moore Shoe Cftj SIGN OF , c . ; ; the bio shoe. 258 So. Maifl-j i ga IL lll Hllll lOUNG. MIDOL.JS- I W II Wm 1 AGED AND ELDER-S ELDER-S " I ZM ' ffi LY.If you are scxual-1 scxual-1 I I I h . V ly weak, no matter S L i u m 'rora what cause; unde-n unde-n y ft (JJ vclopod; have strlcturo. V iTl'TtlW mim 1 varir cete, etc.. MT PERFECT APPblANi B will euro you. No drugs or electricity. 75,000 cured and developed. 10 DAYS' TRIAL. Send for free booklet. Bent sealed. Guaranteed. Write today. R. C Emmet, 203 Tabor Block. Denver. Colo. i The (SULLEN ON ALL CAR LINES. Try it th Next Time You Qo Up. 8. C BWINO, Proprietor. Headquarters for mining men and stock men. RATES f2 A DAY AND UPt ' Burton Coal & Lumber Cfc B I 'Phone 80S. I ESTABLISHED M jK qomr buckle & son, 1 J Popular Tailors , 235 SO.MNST- p. O. Box 663, I |