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Show jityanO A TELEGRAM from "Washington ves-terdny ves-terdny noilllcKl Senator Kcnrns that a licnslon had been allowed, with arrearages arrear-ages due tho liiiHlmnd from date of lant quarterly payment to death, for Sarah XHMiolster. C?J Cook avenue, Oi;den, and that a ponslon of J10 per month from l-ebruary 8 last had boon allowed Oilman U EuHtnian, Ci West Second South, Bait Laho City. c o CONTRACTS for eoustrucllnn of the new Kortlolli district Hchool liulkllng, to bo erected on the grounds occupied hy iho old "hullding, on State street, between cnth and Eleventh South, wilt bo let on May JO by Architects J. A. Ileadlund &. Co. The now building will contain eight classrooms and will he modern in construction con-struction and appointments, while not un-iwceawirlly un-iwceawirlly os pensive In Lho Htylo of arcliltecture employed. Tho total cost will be about 2,000. o e o BUILDING SUPKRINTRNDF.NT A. C. DART la engaged now In building tho Independent In-dependent plant which 1 to provldo electric elec-tric lighting; heating and elevator nor-ylco nor-ylco for the new Judjro rcmorlal homo for miners. Tho homo is so near completion comple-tion that tho plumbing fixtures and clo-vators clo-vators havo boon ordered, and tho work ronialnlng to bo dono will h pnshed as rapidly as possible A groat deal has ; boon lono this wprlng In thn way of beautifying beau-tifying the grounds, Including tho laying of driveways and tho planting of troca and lawnn. t o THE Slain Board of Equalisation will meet noxt Monday la regular annual K06-flon K06-flon to cquallzo tho asMO-SKnients of tho various counties of the State. Tho pw-Blon pw-Blon will continue until tho llrst Monday In July. B EXCAVATING has bren begun for a new doublo apartment houso to bo built for H. F. Amusson by Architect A. C. Dart, on First South street, between First and Second West, It Is to bo a modern mod-ern atructuro of eight roomH to each apartment, built of red presHcd brick, with cut atono trimmings, and will coat about S700O. Mr. Dart is nlso making plans for two hIx-iooiu cottages, to bo l'uIlL by Councilman A. J. Howlott on East Ninth South atrool. to cost S2C0O each, and for a cottago of tho namo slzo and cost to bo built for F. R. Woollcy nt Sovcntli nnd B strocts. O u W. D. MAIION, International presldont of tho Amalgamated Association of Streot and Electric Railway Employees of America, will arrive Saturday and preside at a meeting to be hold nt Federation hall at 1 a. m. Sunday. May 15. a TLLVT tho pupils of tho country schools of Salt Lako county aro not behind thoso of tho city schools In tho work turned out by them Is Bhown by tho oxhiblt for tho St. Louis oxponltlon which County Superintendent B. V Ashton has almost In readiness to bo sent away. Tho work 5n drawing nnd the historical and do-acrlpllvo do-acrlpllvo charts contained in Superintendent Superin-tendent Ash ton's collodion aro particularly particu-larly creditable Some of tho most Interesting Inter-esting charts aro thoeo representing tho Ptudy of the Indian, showing Indian pictures, pic-tures, iwiskots, bead work, pottery, moccasins, moc-casins, ennoo and costumes, nil madu by lho school children. 4 WILLIAM GRIFFITHS, a pioneer resl-lent resl-lent of the city, died Wednemlay night at :he homo of his daughter, after a llngcr-ng llngcr-ng illness of cancer of the stomach. Tho Icccaeed was born In Pembrokeshire. 3outh Wales. 75 years ago. and emigrated lo Utah In 1S73. He was tho father of a , argo family and Is survived by three sons ana kour uaiigmcrs. MAURICE M. RANNEV was ycBtorday oxamlncd as to his canity by tho county Insanity board and was ordered committed commit-ted to Uie State mental hospital at Prove Pro-ve Ranncy Is the waiter who a few weeks ago was picked up on Commercial fitreet suffering from a fractured Hkull, prcsumod to havo boon caused by a fnll on tho pavement. Ho was taken to tho Holy Cross hospital, whore for Heveral days his Hfo was despaired of. Finally he began to Improve, so far as his physical physi-cal condition was concerned, but tho In-Jury In-Jury had apparently anVcted Ids mind, and It was thought best to send him to the State institution. BERT NELSON'S second attempt to loop tho loop on a bicycle was moro successful suc-cessful than the first, when he was thrown about thirty feet and landed In a mud puddle. Yesterday Mr. Nelson went around the loop at the Salt Palaco wltV out trouble or accident of any kind. With a little practice ho Is confident he can beat Dlavolo at his own game. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Is tho sum received by Jacob Ileusr of tlds city for a violin mado by Oasparo da Salo nomo time prior to 1CW. The purchaser le Bernard Walthcr of the Orpheu Con-cert Con-cert company. Mr. Hcusser purchased the valuable Instrument in southern Utah. He could not trace its history, but. thero Is not the least doubt of Its genuineness. MRS. DOROTHEA JOOST, formerly a resident of Salt Lako City, died at her homo In Brooklyn, N. V., on Wednesday morning. The particulars of her death have not been learned. Mrs.'Joose, widow of Tonges Joost. for many years lived at AS South Sixth East street, this city. to AT THE REQUEST of his wife, tho police are endeavoring to locate J. O. Corel, a railroad onglnoor, who Is supposed sup-posed to bo -working somewhere- near the Utah-Novada line Mrs. Cand, who lives at lJol'j South C street, Tacoma, "Wash., says .Rho has not heard from hint for months, and she Is fearful that he may bo dead. W. W. BAKER, alias C. H. Davis, -was arraigned yesterday on the charge of so-curing so-curing 510 from tho Crescent Loan company com-pany by Impersonating Richard Alex. Bennett and forging Bennett's name to an affidavit. Ho took twenty-four hours In -rrhlch to plead, and Judge DIehl nxed his ball at 5250. James Connors, an cm-plovco cm-plovco of the Emplro-t'tah laundry, la accused of embezzling ?250 from the company. com-pany. He also took the statutory time In which to enter his plea. FROM Saturday. May 21. until Wednesday. Wednes-day. June L tho free public library will be closed' for the purpose of taking the annual Inventory- By order of the board of directors no books will be given out after May IS, and all boolcs loaned for homo use must bo returned to the library on or beforo May 21. i Tins evening at S o'clock nt the Jewish Jew-ish synagogue, Rov Louis G. Reynolds will lecture on the "Dangers That Beset Society." The public is cordially invited to attend this lecture MEMBERS of the Royal Arcanum society so-ciety will hold their annual muslcnlo and entertainment this evening In their new clubrooms In the Jennings block. 21 West First South street. Those taking part In the musical programme will bo MIstv Agatha Berkhocl, Mr. Skoltou. Fred Graham Gra-ham and a malo quurtctto under the direction di-rection of Prof, redcrscn. HUGH ANDERSON loft yesterday lor Hartford. Conn., to attend the encampment encamp-ment of the Army of tho Potomac and tho State encampment of the Connecticut G. A, R., whjch Is held at the mimo time and place. Mr. Anderson will also vluit hlo sop. who Is meeting with success In the E,-mt as an architect. BANK clearings yestr-rday amounted to JGiaT'S, as against Witf.TO.gJ for tho corresponding cor-responding day of 1M3. M MISS EVELYN M. TIJDDENHAM and Miss Alice Reynolds leave this morning for the World's fair During their absence ab-sence they will also visit Chicago, Washington Wash-ington and New York. Miss Revnolds remaining re-maining in ihr latter eltv during tho summer to pursue her studies. MIms Tnd-donham Tnd-donham will return home In about a month. FT7NERAL services In honor of the lato JBthcr Mcudcnlmll Bunnell were held yesterday yes-terday morning from tho FeartcenUi ward meeting-house. Bishop George H. Taylor presiding. The services wero largely attended at-tended by relatives and friends and thero was a profusion of beautiful iloral offer-Ingii. offer-Ingii. Tho rrmalns were laid to re-at In tho City cemetery, whero Elder C. W. Penrose Pen-rose dedicated th grave The pall-bear-era wero pIx sons and grandsons of tho deceased. H. C. HOFFMAN, whose nnmo was mentioned with others as having been served with a warrant to appear In tho City court on a charge of violating tho aewer nrrilniP"' denies having been served with any summons as was stated in yesterday's Tribune. Tho Information, however, upon which tho Btory was written writ-ten was secured dlroct from tho sanitary inspector, who said that he had sworn lo tho complaints against tho parties named and that warrants had boon served upon them, nnd the responsibility for the error rests with him. |