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Show It almost seems too perilous lo sec such a freightage go across the sea In a single bottom, as La Lorraine Is now carrying across the Atlantic. First, there is over nine million dollars In gold eighteen tons; the cargo otherwise Is valued at a million dollars, and the ship herself Is put at a valuation of four millions. That makes a total valuation val-uation in one lump of over fourteen million mil-lion dollars. The old Spanish galleon, whose riches have formed the theme of many a romance and poem, wasn't to be compared for a moment with such a cargo as this that La Lorraine carries; a whole fleet of galleons wouldn't touch It for richness. The Ideas of what comprises com-prises great wealth, held by the people of the sixteenth century, and the Idea held now on the same subject, may fairly be expressed by this contrast between be-tween La Lorraine and the galleons. "All methods of putting children to sleep by monotonous sensation ought to be forbidden," says Thc American Inventor, In-ventor, "including monotonous lullabies. It is undesirable either to Interrupt or to prolong artificially the slumber of infants in-fants and young folks. As for the practice prac-tice of rocking. Dr. Manacelne has found by experiment that swinging the body for only fifteen minutes produces In a healthy adult, a lowering In temperature tempera-ture of from one to two and one-half degrees de-grees Fahrenheit, with moro or less pronounced pro-nounced brain anemia (bloodlessness) and pain In the heart." It Is really astonishing- how much more the scientists scien-tists know now about babies, when these are few and sickly, than did the grand mothersJ of this generation, whose children were both many and robust The Indiana Democrats do not appear ap-pear to have been able to agree on a set of delegates to thc National Democratic Demo-cratic convention, and so there will be In many of tho districts double delegations delega-tions and contests. It lo a pity that a minority party can't come to an agreement agree-ment within itself, and treat Its own members decently. We stated the other day the arbitrary, indecent and fraudulent fraudu-lent manner in which the Hearst men were put down In New Jersey, and their resentment of the abuses heaped upon them. The Hearst men In indlana appear ap-pear to have suffered tho same fate as the Hearst men in New Jersey. The Inter-Ocean, Chicago, commenting comment-ing on the fuel that a committee engaged en-gaged In the revision of tho Methodist hymnal could find no worthy hymns written during tho Inst twenty-five years, finds In this another Indication of a modern lack of faith. "A generation genera-tion that hesitates to pledge Itself to a creed lacks the faith that ia expressed In hymns Of praise that bite Into the mind and become really popular." A very different explanation has been offered, of-fered, to the effect that tho dearth of good modern hymns Is due to a prevailing prevail-ing condition of "spiritual prosperity and peace, In which tho Inspiration of conflict and development Is lacking." And tho latter Is probably thc right explonallon. |