Show 111L I f jI I ISSUED EVERY MORNING I ikI 1 METEORLOGICAL REPORT t Yesterdays Record nt the Local Office 4 of the Weather tturcau Luke City March C WD1 4 I f Maximum Salt temsoruluif C2 cleg mint mum timnorniui M 10 n1 emvc i I 10 leg above tne t i cure IS deg which I uormnl I ccmtilnieil C CfK of ir iprtturo S 1 Ince the first of the hiohlh CO deg I J AcctlmIIIuLiii xia1 aJI tcmeraLt2rO t ilnco January at 2S5 leg I Total protlpitntion rom C p rn to o p I L flflrI t j AccumtulaiiJ defiolenry r nrrolpltntlon i r i ilnce first of tim month 3C Inch Accumulated lUiieimv v uC precipitation 1 t 4 ilnco January 1st CC Inch I LOCAL KOHECAST FOR TODAY Increasing cloudiness slight hnnge5 m L temperature 1 c r L 1IMURDOCI7 Section Dl color 1j FROM OT1IKR CITirS I t I Reports rocelved nt Salt Lko City 1 Utah on March C 1501 ObFCttvntlnns 1 takeit U nil statioi at S a m h mend ii f j Ip j o I l I i ILl I J F Ll I I 9 btIn iui t nItrar LI12 ZO ii COCiear Ii itIcngo O22 10 2i1i C f ener 3O2 10 S O1C1etr L oc1gc O42 fl ii o CieLr tt Pno 12 2 iS O Clear alveston 5jl 3 10 21 OO lcar i p U rnIl Junctn 3022 G2 6 COC1eflr t wz o i2i 4 OCIoUlY 1cleni S2 2SI 2 CIOUiY I 3iiron IQO 23 0 cujCiotiUY Ii I ansnr Clty1204S1 i1O 1Clear i Lander O2S 31 JO C iouily I AneIcs2Jl 12 IG C ClOUdY titles CRy 51G 21 i 9 00 Pt Cldf Uot1nu Io2 bs 2Q LI O Clenr I J Tornhead O4 S 4 S U Clear b etv Orlenn 3lG 2 3 12 O Clear I l or1li PItLLLC O21 I S 00 Clear I kIulomn j CleAr I Dmaha IS 2 t2 0 ClOU1f I I hoeiiix 299I S 4S CO Clear a I boctLcllO O24 iX Clear i c orthuul wO2 60 12 Cloudy I flnpkl Cily OCS 0 6 00 Clear i alL TIe ee no at 1 00 clear flfl 1tancleo 6 OjCliar 3OlaflC ao 1s SI CClOudy I I i i it Louic olo 22 1l12 l Cler t Puil oii ci o Clear tViniinmucca GO 1O 1 Winnipeg 02 G XIClcar Luma fi f4glit IF II 1lrcLlon of w1ndjbIlcne outh Cal r northwest CIiIcugo souhweL 5 Deiivcr southwest Dodge otttlieat El t nso northeast GalveMon nortlI GrftflU 1 i Ennctlon sout1icitt IIflVIC soUthCSt I it TeJena norLl1VC5t huron 8oUthet ii Jaml CItY ontliwet Lindi out1i If I Los Angele i1ortlIea3L lIles City S loUlhvcst Modeia ntntheast Moorhead II north North p I rnrthwe ic Orleans P Pltlc sotit liaeL Oklahoma south I t i Omaha otit1ivet Phoenix ent Poca nlio oiit1wnst PorUnod 4outheaSt ir 11 ROPId CItY iortliwest Salt Iako City i l outhett San Franclco north Spokane L L i iortheasL St Louis vcst 3t Paul vet I I t Vlnnemuccn ecl3t Winnipeg csL I fnrnnnorLheaSt |