Show Salo of Farm Land Andrew Shulsen and wife have conveyed con-veyed to Margaretta I urgon for consideration con-sideration of S2300 eighty acres of farmland farm-land West Jordan Real Estate Sales I Ab lrnr > t of file County Recorders of flee Salt Lake City March Gilt Andrew Shulson et ux to Margaret la Burgon warranty docd lots 1 to r and northcaat quarter of northwpHt quarter of section 13 lowiidlilp a south range J westS 2500 Aiuie Purtcll to William C Ormc 2 warranty deed lots I md 2 block 2 rniv rfily mibdlvlalon 7CO John 3f Cannon to David Mullock 70 warranty deed lois 1 and 12 block 3 Forest Dale COO F J5 Gregg ct ux to J C McClaln t warranty deed 1x10 rods southweftt from 10 rod south of northeast corner lot i S block If5 plat K 1000 Mary E Hull to Hul toCarrlr Petcruon SprlngvlIM warranty deed I rods by IGy feet southwest from 11S ½ foot west of northeast corner Jot I block D2 plat D 1503 James F Tumor et ux to Salt Lnko county warranty deed C9 acre In northeast quarter section 2 township 2 south range 1 went EO Salt Lako county to Jctmio HUt fair quitclaim deed fcO acres In southouKl quarter of northwctst quarter and northeast quarter oC pouLhwrat I cHarter ncctlon ll I < town ship 1 oiith rouge 1 itt 153 JiMw rUiylitmi ol nx 10 Mary A If Cuiinoa qultolnlm deed part lot L I ectlrm 1 township 1 south range 1 vcsi 1 Total S5W To Prevent the Grip I Laxative BromoQulnine removes the cause Assessment of Mortgages I I Mortgageholders who have any reason rea-son to urgo why the mortgages should I not beassessed should notify the Coun M ty Assessor by March 15th of the fact 5 otherwise all uncancclled mortgages will be placed on the assessment rolls S Moelfng of Slalo Land Board The State Land board concluded its regular monthly session yesterday Only routlnc buijinoys was transacted I troubled with rheumatism give Chamberlains PainBalm L trial I will not cost you a cent If It does no good One application will relieve the pain I also cures sprains and bruises in onethird the time required by tan other treatment Cuts burns frosl bilVB qujpsey ptns Jn the thc and chest glandular andother swellings aro quickly cured by applying It I Every bottle warranted Price 25 and I 50 cents t1 SPRING HEAD GEAR Each day brings something now I I into this store among1 the latest arrivals 1 L s ar-rivals are some swell new styles in soft and stiff hats for men 1 ¼ 17 1 STETSONS LATEST The West I Point a neat shape for young menThe I men-The crown is medium low with a 1 < straight brim in two colors Pearl V lf and Otter price S400 m c Then theres an elegant line of Stetsons Stiff Hats at S400 and Fedoras as S500 J Popular now shnpz Fedoras at 8350 in Pearl Otter and Black I medium and large shapes i Come in and see tho new stiff Hat = THE DUKE = 5 a square shape Black This Hat Is very popular In Now York and wo give it first Introduction In Salt Lake two weeks after its ap I jjearnuco in tho American metropolis I SEE IT IN DISPLAY WINDOW The Siegel Clothing CO I I S 6163 65 MAIN 1 I I I I = r n M I PAY WHEN CURED I I 4 Weak Back I Pains When You Stand Pains When You Stoop i I Pains in the Morning I Pains When Weather Changes > 1 ± c w4IMie Pains and aches from your hips to your tpmfbd shoulders paIns and weakness oil over your body loss 0 energy a tired stupid disposition a general rundown feelings For this wear feelng Dr Mclaughlins Electric Belt I pours a gentle stream 0C electric II warmth Into the back tissues nerves and muscles while you slc p at night Electricity Elec-tricity warms and Invigorates the fceblo tissues nnd here la 1 soothing stream of life pouring Into themlll night long They drink It In gladly and respond quickly quick-ly to Its vitalizing spirit When you getup I k get-up In tho morning your back foolslimber elastic and strong again and will be cured inn few days I PAY WHEN CURED J Affrr you arc cured you cnn pay me and then the price will be only half what Is risked for the oldstyle belts which have been blistering and burning the backs of their wearers for the last thirty vearrf My Belt Is three times Ji is strong aa any other belt sold and Is the only one that does not blister the flesh Write or call today for my SOpage book with Information P B > TC llCl 1P5 < < f b < Oi E T 9 Lot me prove to you how It makes peo 1 JhCJlEw JD LJL > i pie strong and healthy Write for my acl vice and beautifully illustrated fOpage book It Is sent scaled free Write Dr M A McLaughlin 935m SlDenTerCo0 v u Nlantels ° Orates Tiles t Cur Golden Oak la tho mont uperb effect ever produced In vroci We have a fine selection of new tiles In Onyx and Marble Colors Mantels In Oak Birch Cherry Sycamore Blrl Eye Maple K hoC ny Curly Birch Call and examine our new stock ELIAS MORRIS SONS CO noneYt Loan 4 At Banking Rates on Diamonds Etc E LieHTEKSTEIW 214 Main St opposite the Kenyon WHEAE Dr YATHD WASTE RU LES GREAT SAVING RESULTS FPiOIi THJ USE OF 1 SAPOLIO We Treat and Cure k Catarrh Bronchitis Neuralgia Heart to i Disease Dyspepsia Skin Diseas Q I Y Blood Diseases Rheumatism Malaria c4 tq tT Mala-ria Nervous Diseases Kidney Diseases 4 Jt s Dis-eases Fomalo Complaints Insomnia Ai r Dysentery Paralysis Rickets Scrofula 4i Scrof-ula Consumption in first stage Liver I 2ijM t i Diseases Diseases of tho Bowels I t Home treatment cures Write for I symptom list Consultation free r I WEAK MBFM PAY WHEN CURED It vousufferfromanyofthewCak catmscdbY ignorance nescs or dlscascs l rnbne Wo cure you first and then ask A REA Iobbcd excess and or dcCelC la ll1 Ull I1 l time as men SONABLE FEE when you are cured You can depend word bank anh upon our any In caullc your Doctol tlon of tho or d oc o Utah will Indorse It thousands of Ob l YOU ARE THE VERY opu blood to pll llonts have Indorsed us NOW WB ANT T 0 r LK To PERSON h W A WANT ro CURE YOUwith the distinct klll In curio I all > rrVnoxiC 10 imaoprocn diseases Ollr by publishing m thou undorstincllnK I that wo will not demand Ch 10 A FEE until we euro you We cure LOST sands of voluntary tesUmonlale I I I of homo 10J MANHOOD Seminal Weakness Spcrmix I giving names plalures and ad pcoplo lorrhoea Gonorrhoea Syphilis and all lroij Wo < TV > weaknesses or men absolutely euro CANT PUBLISH OUR CURES Varlcocclo it donl cost you a penny PRIVATE DISEASES Consultation and ndvlco FREE by letter Because It would betray confidence Hence or In person CALL OU WRITE we havo lo provo dur Bklll In tbs class of Ofllce hours 10 to 5 evenings 7 to S trouble In another way This Is our plan Sunday 10 to 12 trimf fHnThPC O fUATITT7 EXPEBT SPECIALISTS IrAlt MON BLOCK DRS SHORES Ix S u OR ESEXPERT Lake City p oo 1585 New York Dental Parlors Rooms 2 8 4 1 EucloBllc 71 W 2nd So Teeth Extracted Without Pain 1 J r Modorn EtnlhtrJ Bcstwork Lowest Prices CPOWJSfSjS AM > sniDGINCJ TEETH A SPECIALTY All work IUtraI1tc It LNGE1ROPRIETO = Hw I p p prF I A BUi LOAF Sift K K AND ftrf rfx I A flOOD LOAF x That Is tho kind I that X X HUSLERS FLOUR sfI I j X 7itnkc More than twjccvns mucfi t I j used In ItO J as In ISM u INTERMOINTAIN MILUNG CO X l 33 and 340 Stale Street t We Knew Sl That I Just 03 noon i EJ As the rubbers were c it Put aside youd tm Be after these shoca i Ior Boys and GIrle i 0 These seamless shoes fotf i I Boys have caught fJ The mothers I Caysc there are no Scams to rip so re They wear longer V 2 123 per pair and up o l1 I Robinson Eros Co SHOE BUILDERS 124 MainSt gQB4 8 e OH88M1I Ro1sJ are Buyers I t kAB Alwtya I of f UlfEAI Satisfied t t7zH Ir IzH + ooI + 13 3 Cakes of Fine Soap I I for Thirty = five Cents ij J + + + + c Soap as good as usually sold I for 50 cents the box Seven different odors to select I from 1 Soap made by JMuhlens the r maker of all the celebrated 4711 i f soaps and perfumes I goodness This Is guarantee enough of its + 3 cakes in handsome box for fM 1 We have all tho other fine I I soaps too I t Pears 4711 Colgates Roger j 4 Gallct PInauds When you need soap dont fall to come here A F C SCBRAMM Prescription Druggist Where the Car Stop McCornlok Bldg + iti + + + 4PH + + i + + 4 I A load of coal fotf I spotless town I It helps to keep her fair renown re-nown Of weighs to weigh tliere is I hut one 2000 pounds to I every ton Snmberger U i 161 Main I r tI I l I Best in a Thousand Years Though Jewelry has been made slnca the dawn of civilization Its designing and manufacture have steadily 1m proved so that today you can secure the fruit of centuries of art and toll Our exhibit of gems jewels watches chains bracelets and other similar adornments Illustrates the advancement In the jewelers artan exhibit you are invited to sec floyd Park Jeweler 170 Main Successor Joslin Park DR C W HIGGINS Microscopic and Analytic Phytldarf 25 YEARS IN SALT LAKE SALT LAKE Microscopic Medical Institute C W Higgins IN D Manager and Prop 5T ELMO HOTEL Corner ftfnin and Third lonUs > Id I HA practiced In Salt LnK > City for twe and well and tile wonderful tyllvo ycnrs < In that established euros ho baa effected lime provo the scientific prlnCplCS on which bis medicines are > compoundtd ml Forming diagnosis by the aid of tO the croicope enables him to detect mary cause of disease and effect a ra ca1 cure Tho Doctor tins cured tlmoUhmandB 0 canes of Nervous DoblWr Mental and 12stca1 WcaJxneim and ervQU5 rotrnllon for any caso talcen 50 rtnd mviii forfeit bIch ho falls to under his treatnient rure cure an privatOl5Cass All clasemm of hlch vltIat dlaeases ll old lIngerIng steni I or Impair tho the blood ord and seru11Z1i0ntuT curer lAs or and ugiml3 cUree Au e5C 0 mIB Winoy complaInt rtnmoVCd lth head or r cd ifl cworm anurs 10 to 3Q and 7 to I am I for a 1l1t of question5 tO CIty Utab Dr |