Show S Prom Neighboring States Seven Devils Stnmlanl While flolng flip lotutlon work on the Dutch Boy claim I thlo week Henry Toroii cut n twofoot I lclau of white Iron The clnSni lies across I liiulm crook iiboul 2o yqirth from thc I poMofllro I Time DoiifjInK group of claims on Pino p creek Ida luta IWPP bonded to Jullun j t I Goodrich of Spokane for CCOO of which I amount tCi < J W8S paid down SiimjMcs of ore fiom the mlno assay r 3 ppr cent lead i and 1 5 ounces of silver to the ton I It Is reported by H NVclser Idii corre j I I nnoiuJput of the tJoip Statesman that a rich strike has boon mulo In tho I Ruth bun dlHtrlci in the uroperty owned by I Sullivan Con Connors and Kmcrson cm J plryecH of the Short Line It Is stated that a twofool vein ot hlghtrradc sliver ore his been struck in the tunnel which line been run Into the property Lcadvllle HeraldDemocrat The new shaft of tlic Empire Mining company on p Low and Dcrrv hill has broken Into v u lint mlncrallzecl con met which carrion Kohl The shaft IH about 200 foot deep imd hns been In porphyry all the way down I until Iho presMit change was encountered j This wua somewhat 01 an igrceablc sur prise nn tin contact was not looked for under 20 foot Tim whole bottom oftho I shaft In now covered ivllh black contact j and some of Itpanncd gold |