Show I REMEMBER THE SOLDIERS I The Manila Hospital Aid society makes another appeal for reading mat ten for the sick arid disabled soldiers I Jn the Philippines This is the society In which Mrs Lawton and Mrs Lie cum took an active Interest when their I husbands were alive The appeal which Is published in the New York Commercial Advertiser Is dated Manila I and reads as follows folows I think the interest In tho United States I IH falling oft a rrrctft deal I the people i would only rend dally papers magazines I I etc whatever they could nay onco or 1 twice a month It would be I great help 1 cannot but feel that the majority of our I people have no conception of the pleasure iney can lilvu by this net of charity My I last list Rives 5 garrisoned towns besides be-sides tho hospitnlB In Manila We try to I keep I ni supplied with reading matter but our supply always falls short of tho demands Papers magazines etc maybe may-be sent to lln Charles C Walcutu caro MnJ C C Walcutt Jr Hospital Aid society so-ciety Manila Philippine Islands Only domestic postage is needed Evory month there are thousands of I magazines bought in Salt Lake City run over by the family and thrown by I Is so with dally papers and if I such people would think what it would be to them were they off In the woods for a month could they get to see a I dally paper or a magazine they can imagine how much more tis to those poor fellows sick and wounded or I lying In garrison well in the Philippines Philip-pines when they can get news from home I is not only the pleasure of I what they read liS the pleasure ot the thought that they are in close touch with native land and that there are other hearts beating responsive to their hearts and that the great American Ameri-can people appreciate what they are I doing and want to make their burdens Just as light as possible 1 |