Show 1 SPARKS FROM THE VVIRES f f Tho salaries of lho commissioners of the St Louis Worlds fair hove been fixed at 10 per day and 45 per day < for expenses There Is much suffering in Lancaslor O as a result of a falling natural pas supply and factories and schools have been forced to close S Members of tho Order of B Rlth Abra ham the aiirumai convention of which Is being held In Chicago voted to admit wo mpn into the ordqr Tho proposition provides pro-vides for lodges composed of men andwo men I menEdwin Edwin F Uhl Assistant Secretary of State for a time during Clevelands second sec-ond administrationand afterward United Slates JJmbassador to Germany Is critically criti-cally 111 at his homo In Grand Rapids i Mich Tho battalion of Porto Rican troops which attracted so much attention at Washington on Inauguration day arrived ar-rived In New York Tuesday on a special train were put aboard the transport Sedgwick and sailed for Porto Rico at once |