Show DUKE DENIES IT Manchester Says No Writ Has Been Served London March GThe Manchester sensation promises to rival the Westminster West-minster scandal This entirely new sequel to one of the most Interesting marriages by an American heiress and representative of the British peerage has Us Inception shortly after the Duke of Manchester suddenly made Miss Zlmmcrmaii a Duchess No one met the Duke arid Duchess on t their arrival at Euston station Lon don The Duchess looked extremely I well andvery pretty The Duke seemed rather worried When asked by a rep rcsenUulvc of the Associated Press If I It were true that he had been served with a writ he replied His quite untrue un-true I know nothing aboutthe suit I am feeling quite fit and had a fine time in America Come along said the Duchess and thecouple Jumped Into a cab and drove oft They had Intended to land at Queenstown proceed to their Irish home but the storm prevented and therefore they derided tocome to London Ireland Lon-don which they will shortly leave for |