Show REASONS FOR ORDER I Theories Advanced on Streets to Explain Ex-plain Mayors Action One of the reasons advanced on the streets for the Mayoro action was that he had an Intimation that wa Ministerial association intended to fife f complaints against the gamblers and concluded to forestall such action by closing the houses In this connection 1 was stated by a wellknown 1gam blinghouse proprietor who had been investigating the situation that the County Attorney and the City Attorney Attor-ney attended a secret meeting of min isters last week and discussed tho matter Inquiry of the officials named brought forth 0 denial Both city and county officials stated that they had never been naked to prepare coin plalnls Rev Mr JJagby called at tho office of the County Attorney yester day if gather yome information about the condition or affairs in the city In conversation wIth Assistant County Attorney Loofbourow Mr Bogby In speaking of the oloslng order re marked The fruit fell before we struck the tree this remark being Interpreted as meaning that the ministers min-isters had contemplated some action against the gamblinghouses In discussing the conditions of vice In the city generally yesterday County Attorney Christensen said ho had been waited on not long since by a delegation delega-tion of Japanese who stated that the Japanese national emblem was proml nenlly displayed on the front of a Japanese brothel on Commercial street The loyal subjects of the Mikado wore Indignant at the Insult put upon their country and Mr Christensen promised prom-ised to give the matter his attention One explanation of the closing order advanced on tho street yesterday waR that it was the result of an effort of the Combination one of the leading gamblinghouses of Commercial street to close out the smaller games I was stated this house started tho agitation agi-tation and was hoisted by Its gwn petard One of the proprietors of tho Combination n man who ranks as high in the business circles of the city as any gambler In Salt Lake denied this absolutely The better element among the fra ternlly In the few guarded remarks they ventured about the matter did not censuro the Mayor I think Thompsons on the square said one of n group and I believe his hand has been forced in this some way One thing Is sure and that Is he is going to do what he thinks Is right and If he thinks the right thing to do Is to keep l the houses shut up they are going go-Ing to stay shut I know said another sai gambler that Thompson ha hesitated 0 longtime long-time before doing this owing to the present financial condition of the city He hasalways tried to do this best thing for the city and I know the would not cut off the revenue from the gambling fines unless he had some good reason for It There was some suggestion that the closing order was a political play on the part of the Mayor but such suggestions sug-gestions did not appear to carry much weight the people generally giving the Mayor credit for higher motives One man who studies politics polics somewhat some-what Industriously advanced the theory that Mayor Thompson was making n play to offset Councilman R LB Whlttemorea Mayoralty boom and this remark strangely enough got up a laugh Yong Ming the Chinese reformer given credit by some for the closing of the gamblinghouses These people reason that the agitation for the suppression sup-pression of vice was started By the Chinaman and that to his efforts for compelling his countrymen to slop gambling and come to Sundayschool brought more strongly to the attention atten-tion of the custodians of public morals the condition which existed In the city |