Show FOR THE BENEFIT OF ABEL JOHX J Senator Evans made a spectacle of himself yesterday Be read some rc jnarks made by the writer ot this in the Constitutional convention and then declared that the burden ot the speech was advice to the convention to dedelve Congress the President and the country In all that Mr Evans knew he wan wa-n t telling the truth The enabling act demanded that the Constitution should contain 0 restriction restric-tion against polygamy There was a disposition In the convention to evade I that or in true Saintly style to frame I something that might mean onq thing to the count and one to good Saints The speech merely stated to the convention con-vention that the requirement of thccn abllng act must be compiled with but further that the Saints could If I they pleased in later years amend their Constitution and do what they pleased for no law could be enforced against I the public opinion of the State The whole gist was to Impress upon the convention that the enabling act must bu obeyed The writer had doubts of the sincerity of many men around him then those doubts have been abundantly II abundant-ly l confirmed since especially in the person of Senator Evans himself for he know well enough that the impression conveyed by him and the rest was that polygamy had ceased Every Gentile In the convcntlpn so understood It We do not careto bandy words wlthuMr I I Evans rather wesympathize with him over the possible personal misfortune I i to him which came wheh the bill woI I L F 1 passed excluding the feebleminded from a home In the Insane asylum |