Show Another Instance Where Check Won ily daughter said the millionaire to that young ladys suitor my daughter hnu been expensively brought up Sue Irf used to nl the luvyrlef or life and unless un-less you can Hiipply them It would niako S both 3ho and you miserable Supply tiioni echoed the young man what do you suppose 1 am after tb0 laugHter of a mlllloniilio for If it t Is not that her father could supply those things S You aro candid truly remarked tbo old gentleman What If I tell you I will not agree to the term SIn S-In that case you will give her to aomo other man who will promise nil these things but who will draw upon your boffers all the same There Is BOIIIB truth In what you Kny replied the financier I believe I can uso your check to advantage You can have her S I |