Show I 1 J INDIANS ARE SULKY Something Serious Likely to Develop at Uto Bear Dance r1HmUt SPECIAL I Price Utah March 6 James McLaughlin Mc-Laughlin the Interior department who is at White Oaks agency yesterday yester-day held a council with over sixty of the head men of the Ulntah Utes The principal mailer gone Into was that of the failure of the tribe to send their I children to the boardingschool at the agency It developed that the opposition opposi-tion of the parents Is due to the fact that there has lately been an epidemic I of measles there and that Is one case a mother was refused permission to see her k child that this circumstance coupled with the request of Black Hawk to remove his children resulted in the old renegade throwing a teaxher over the banisters of the building and the closing1 of the school There Is an effort being made to remove re-move Indian Ageh Mylon but it Is said he stands yell with the leading men S of the TJmtahF whO prefer him to a I Mormon whom they are told will get the place If Myton goes It there Is to be a change the Indians prefer an army officer Inspector McLaughlin has been thir lyfoilr years In the service and will visit the Indian homes on the reservation reserva-tion accompanied only oy an Interpreter Inter-preter and will make a thorough In Aestlgatlon into all conditions There is bad blood all over and throughout the Ulntah reservation and from all reports It will take a great deal of diplomacy to straighten things out ns the Indians are In bad humor generally and are expecting a Messiah to arrive any time who will settle all their troubles Avhcn Government officials have failed or partly failed Your correspondent last week was all over the reservation and It would not be surprising to see something serious seri-ous develop at the bear dance which comes off In about two weeks unless things In the meantime take a turn for the better For weeks councils have been held nightly In the willows up and clown the Ulntah river around White Rocks and bad blood has no doubt been aroused against Agent Myton by the Avorkers of the men who are after his official position |