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Show THE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The Ninth Annual Commencement to lie Held Tomorrow Night. The ninth annual graduating exercises exer-cises of the Salt Lake 'Collegiate institute insti-tute will be held tomorrow evening in the First Presbyterian church. The graduating class consists of Winl'ord Anderson, Blanche Hull. Jerome O. dross, Lulu I vie, Jennie Green, Ernest II. Byors and Mollie Hull. The programme pro-gramme is as follows: Chorus ' ...."How Beautiful Upon the Mountains," l'uplls ot the School. I'RAYKtl. Quartette "Daybreak." Pueret Missei Hoylo, Hurlburd. Bartlett and Miller. Essay -The Nibelungen-Lied" Wiulfied Anderson. Essay "Reailv-made Clothing" Blanche lola Hull. Instrumental Duct , "The Italians In Algiers." Rossini Prof. T. Kiiririiffe. Halo H. parsons. Oration "Sherman's March to the Sea" Jerome Otcult Cross. Essay -The American Fork Canyon" Lulu Claire lvic. Solo ' "The Gipsy" Arditi Miss Dalsio D. Woods. Essay -yiie Evolution of the Kitchen" Jennie Olivia Green. Oration -Tho West" Ernest Hinsdale Ryors. Essay "Women as History Makers" M illie Agnes Hull. Chorus "The Wind" Pupils of the School. PUKSENTATIDM OK DIPLOMAS President of the Board. Quartette ' Sun of My Soul" Mossrs. Watson and Huuerbach, Misses Bartlett and Miller. BENEDICTION. |