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Show N'OTICK f)F COMPLETION OF AHHFXM-inent AHHFXM-inent of a ls l lax fortlierxtefilon of the water tnallis on Hirst street N.rtl. is hereby given that the assessor and c. lbs tor of Salt Lake city has luiide and completed the list and plat p.rtulnlng to a l.s al tux at the tale of four mills per square foot levied by the city council of Salt Like t iy May ,th. IH0 upiui the following described lots or plei-esof ground, iiittnely: LH 'A. bl.s'k A; Iihs h. 4. hl.s k 7; lots I. i lil.s k'.': lot t. bl.s'k gl. alt In plat I). Knit Itke city survey, said tax being lot the extension of the watertnalns along the following destnil.ed route, namely: First street from i to II street. Maid list and plat have been lodged In the office of the ctty recorder. re-corder. No. if, citv hall, and w 111 be open pn-lu.tieit pn-lu.tieit Ion fora period nf Hi days from and after the 4th day of Juu. I sun. .luring which time wrltien afiistala to th city council tor the correction of the assessment may is. flled w ith the said recorder. In pursuance of th ordinance or-dinance 111 such case proiitUd. JAil.'i.H HYAMS City Kecnrilr, 1 Halt Lake city, June .'ltd. Iu. j |