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Show Letting Down Prices Again We would advise every Man and Woman to keen tv, ' posted. and attend our special sale during tv . " "' ( ' & U"S Wgri You will find every" article as advertised. If you are in doni along ttith jau ami judge for ygurself the truth of thl! n8 Hi " ' " '-ae assrtif,, SfJ e " Men's French Flannel liidershirts 50c fiirhl Z MmiMd Shirts . 45J JjS 42- s 2 t'1' .!!DC um .0i'fra,!s i Pair $ S . ' Men's 9-uz. Bine, him Jiunners 4.x' fh s S-fc Men's eiictkJnmiien . 40iuih v : . , Win's Indershiris. and Drawers 30r each I & S : H ;n's brown and grey Linen Busters A'l each Men's Frendi Fiamwl iWs Vests U15 ea,h Men's Bkk Alpaca IVats - $L50eac!i a s S!iirts ami Drawers, worth $3, $'1.25 a snii K5 Men's Katliins Snits, $1.50 a llos Knee Panfe , . 25c a i:iii- lBoyHMvases4tol-, . $U5vaffl S. J; NATHAN Prop. 15 THE MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE, LOANS aud Insurance. No. 177 Main street. BUETON, GEOESBECK ft CO., DEAL ESTATE. NO. SBD MAIN STREET, J Salt Lake City, Utah. Notary In office. Telephone 484. - " restaurants. SlTLAITWA meals at all hours from 15 cents up. 77 west Second street. Jomes Si Sb.n-ior. Sb.n-ior. proprietor . SILVEE PALACE BESTAUEANf, ROWE KELLY, PROPRIETORS. THE V ouly first-class resturaut in the city. Open day and night. 60 West Second South street, - IrLOBE CAFE, " ' C! F. BALL & Co. MEALS AT ALL HOURS O. No. '.'1 Main street, Salt Lulte City. . , . . fountain lwoh staid, T? j. BEER, PROPRIETOR. NO. 1 15 SOUTll ! Main street. Short order meals at all : hours. Commutation Tickets $5. OM-HAND CLOTHING. . m7levl ' DEALER IN CAST OFF AND SECOND hand clothing: highest cash price paid for wime : notice by mall promptly attended to : all kinds tailoriiiK done. ti w. First South street. STAMPS AND HEAL. j; OrMUEPHYTcor TJUBBEK STAMPS AND NOTARIAL I t Seals. Agents tor the Abbott Check Perforator, Per-forator, halt Lake City. M. TOBIAS & SON, DEALER IN FANCY GROCERIES. BUT-ter. BUT-ter. Ebkh. Poultrv. Fruit nd Vegetables. All goods delivered to any part ot the city. No. HIS south First East street. j V . ELI L. PEICE, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, 25t MAIN itreet. tiyiOKVANO ClOARS. THE COTTAGE C1HOICE WINES. ClfiARS AND LIQUORS, J diagonally opposite the Utah & Nevada depot, J. Sullivan, proprietor. THE TWoIpHILLIPS PLACE. CHOICEST BRANDS OF IMPORTED Wines. Liquor- and Cigar. Sohustkb & Phbi.ps, proprietors, 8 E Third Soiith street, Salt Lake City. MINEES' SALOON, UO. BOUHABEN, PROP. FIRST "LAS8 i V Wines, Liquors and tteat'y, 75 VV. Second South street (opposite Tribune olllce). Agent ; for celebrated coffee. BOUDOIE SALOON, j VO. S9 MAIN STREET. SALT LAKE CITY. I ll Utah. HUIstead & Co.. dealers in Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Salt Lake City Brewing Co s celebrated beer on draught. MOSHEE, TLOOD 4 CO., MIRROR SALOON, 135 MAIN STREET, Salt Lake City. THE PHCENIX SALOON, TE. PEACOCK, PROPRIETOR, 2 STATE street. Ice cold Beer on draught; choice WlheH, Liquors and Cigars. BUSINESS 'f DIRECTORY. f'IRSTCLASS ADVERTISERS OF SALT LAKE CITY. The Times commends to its patrons the Business and Pro fessional men whose cards appear ap-pear below. ACCOUNTANT sT j HAEEY E. BBOWNE, i CCOUNTANT, EXPERT AND CONSULT-V CONSULT-V lug. established IS8U, south Main st. The very best of city reference given. ARCHITECTS FEED A. HALEr (LATB or DUN VCR.) ARCHITECT OF COMMERCIAL BLOCK, etc. Office 90, Wasatch building. WHITE &ULMEE, ARCHITECTS AND SU PERINTENDENTS. Rooms 410 and 411, Progress Block, Salt Lake Citv. ATTORNEYS. WILLIAM OONDONi IAWYER. ROOMS ! AND ! tTTAH J Hardware Co. Building, r. Commercial and First South streets. Elevator at Commercial Commer-cial street entrance. Impune Lacessit. HAIL, CALEDONIA! Grand Excursion Amrioan Fork, JUNE 24. Of the Salt Lake Caledonia Club. Leaving Salt Lake at 7:Jl a.m.. returning from American Fork at 7:i p.m.. thus giving about nine hours in that pret ty little city, with its many attract ions of forest, stream and lake. The great Utah Lake is contiguous to the place and teams can be found near the glove to convey con-vey parties to It, where bathing, dancing and steamboat Ing can be had Rt low charges. A FIXE ltRASS AND STRING BAM), l For dancing, will accompany the excursion from Salt Lake to the grove at American Fork, where the celebrated Caledonian name will he S. A. MEBEITT, CITY ATTORNEY, ROOMS 510 611, PRO-gress PRO-gress building. John M. Bheezk, Jame A. Williams BEEEZE & WILLIAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ROOMS 314 a 315, Progress building. 1 0.W.P0WEES, ATTORN E Y-A T-1. A W, OPPOSITE CUL-leu CUL-leu Hotel, Second South street. CUMMIKG & CEIT0HL0W, ATTORNEYS-AT-I.A W, ROOMS 4 AND 5, Daft building, 113 Main street. M. E. McENANY, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, PROGRESS BUILD-lug, BUILD-lug, Fourth floor. FRANK KNOX, L. C. KARRICK, j E. President . Vice-President. ' '"j National Bank of the Repul Capital, . . $5oo,ooc Directors: ' Frank Kriox, H. L. A. Culmer, Oku t " T.T. MtXLOt, Gi H. Holmes, ' I. C kb J. G. SUTIT.ERI.AX1V E.M.VXUEL KAHX, J- a! Eu" Salt XiaXse Transfer Ci PATTE1N & GLENN. . ' : -SV All Orders Promptly Attended to. Jp' Car Lots a Specialty. fSfe&j'"" Office, 11GW. First South tst. wlnWW ! Telephone 2M. MSm. J. M. STU LL & COMPANY FT IE INSURANCE AG Els' First-Class Board Companies Represented. . No. 22 East First South St., Salt Lake City, Uk STKXOGKAPIiY. F. E. McGTJEEIN, OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER ; ALL KINDS Shorthand and Typewriting. Dealer In Remington Typewriter and supplies; Progress building. Jr:1 L9 KsT WANAMAKEE ft BEOWN, ; JOHN DA VIES, AGENT. FINE MERCHANT t) Tailoring; style and tit guaranteed; 60S ), Progress buildim. Foreign and domestiu goods. " A, ANDEESON, rpAlLOR. CLOTHES CLEANING AND RE-I. RE-I. . pairing a specialty; No. Hi east First. South street. ALFEED H. C0HN, rpHE LADIES' TAILOR. WILL MAKE 1 Ladies' 811k and Alpaca Ulsters in the finest fin-est style at reasonable prices. 63 east Second South street. W. A. TAYL0E, MERCHANT TAILOR. NEW" SPRING styles Just arrived. 43and4fteast Second South street, Salt Lake City. . """trunksT . ' HULBEET BEOS,, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE TRUNKS. Valises, straps, etc., sample trunks and cases to order; repairing a specialty; a? west First South street. WATCHMAKERS ANB JEWELERsT T. M. SrEBATJGB ' . I7UNE AMERICAN WATCHES, CLOCKS, V Jewelry; watch repairing a specialtv; prices reasonable; 75 west First South street Salt Lake City. Utah. . MlNCELI,ANEOlIsi " . PICZEEILL & SH0WELL, TOR SCAVENGER AND GARBAGE WORK J leave orders at lavj Main street. STONE FE0NT SALOON, CHOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS. HART MAS, Hallim AN k Co., SJ70 a Main st. THE OCCIDENTAL, PURE GOODS ONLY AND OF THE BEST Quality, Studious Attention. Al'RR & Murphy, Proprietors, No. 13 east First South street, Salt Lake City. , THE C0MMEE0IAL, ' 1) T. NYSTHOM, PROPRIETOR. FINE Imported Wines. Liquors and Cigars, cor. First South and Commercial streets, Salt Lake City. M. Blackburn, ii. ha user, M. Murray BLACEBUEN ft CO., COLORADO SAMPLE ROOM. M S. MAIN street. Fine Kentucky Whiskies a specialty. spe-cialty. ' 0L1FT HOUSE BAE, 7tt MA,N STREET.. , A. J. TAYSUM HO I'roprietor, ; MACllllVEUV. rLVEBBEOS IRON WORKS. MACHINE SHOP AND Foundry; steam engines, mining and mill ing work. No. I4W west North Temple street; Telephone No. 450. - MII.LINKKY AMI IJKKSSJIA KINO, NEW "yOEK MLLINEE&"dEESS-MAZING. MLLINEE&"dEESS-MAZING. IF YOU WANT A PEKKKCT FITTING GAR-ment GAR-ment call on Ella IIIllls, 44 Wasatch building. build-ing. H. T. Taylor's celebrated system. Take elevator. MONEY TO LOAN. ETMAEEiOKr ? MONEY LOANED ON WATCHES. UIA-' mouds and Jewelry: also a tine lino of Watches, Jewelry, Revolvers and Charms for sale cheaper than anywhere in the west. S40 south Main st., one doi.r north Walker House. played, and for whlnh a fine list of prizes will be given, i A platform will be erected at the grove to accommodate those wishing to dance. A partial list of the games is as follows: Dancing the Highland Fling to bagpipes. Scottish Hag-pipe contest for a prize. Tossing th Caber. Quott playing. Football (Scottish Association rules;. Putting the stone, Foot races. Scotch game of Rounders, Throwing the hammer. Tng-o'-wa . 'Hap, stan and loupe The football game will be played between a team from Salt Lake and one from Amarican Fork, for a prize. The (irand Tug-of-War will also be contested con-tested for by a team of twentv men each from American Fork and Salt Lake City, and a prize given for it. .Suitable prizes will be offered for all the games, and a full list of them will be published liefore the excursion. Fare for Round Trip $1.23. Children 63c. Tickets should be purchased before day of excursion In order to secure scats, as a big turnout g expected. Fare from grove to Utah Lake and return, 95c ; faro from Ogdeu to American Fork and return. re-turn. bu.H,, The following firms will sell tickets: Joslln & Park. H. P. Teasrtel. Uoalter JiWnelgrovo, Duncan McAllister, .Saddle Rock restaurant, Calder's Music i Palace, and any member of the club. KAIL KOAUH. " " VPopular Route C!To all Points East Only one change ol cars Utah to Kansas Kan-sas City or St. Louis. Elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping Can Free Reclining Cbalr fan. Be sure your ticket reads via the Missouri Pacific Railway 7. C. Totrttsend, 67. P. & T. A.; Kt,Louit, S. V. Darrah, C. F. P. A., Room ton, Profirtm ,iMg SaULak City, Ultihi - I. WATTEES, : BROKER, ai E 'B'inST SOUTH STREET east of Deseret National Bank. Salt Lake City. Makes loans on Watches. Diamonds and Jewelry; rents collected; railroad tickets bought and sold: -business' confidential.'' Established Es-tablished m. AUiuiRAeeUMd pledges sold at Voty low rates. j :b - i, ' :' ' M.USIC""; ' ' SIGNbEirFEBEAEl7 rpEACHER OF VOCAL MUSIC, WILL GIVK X lessons In singing. hariDg a thorough ed tieatlon In classical mimic tn the Italian school. Room 38, Scott- Auerbach bulldog. JPAINTKItS ANO. PECOKATORS.r- PETEESPN.& BEOWN, SIGNS, 03 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET Salt Lake City. ,-Jt. ,'. ' " 1 ; 'c r -' , CABEETEEO & LEVEY, rjUMMTo, A KPECTALTY: NEAT. QPIOK ,. l Woody, 7S west second South street, j salt Lake City. Country orders solicited. ISAKItKRK. rErBTiBBEBiibR GENTLEMEN WISHING A NEAT SHAVE VT will do well to call on us. W. T. Ktiiao-ronp. Ktiiao-ronp. Proprietor, tift east Third SouUi street BLACKSMITHS. J. A. FAUST, BLACK8M1TH AND CARRIAGE MAKER. A specialty made tu horseshoeing and tire setting. Corner First and Second West streees. BOOKS AND STATIONKY )T. d. m. McAllister & co BOOKS, STATIONERY, TOYS, NOVEL-ties. NOVEL-ties. Utah Views, Mormon Pnbll;.lons, Periodicals, Magazines, etc., Ti Main street HOOT AND SHOE MAKING. ' EOBINSoTBEblT"" OHOE MANUFACTURERS, 49 -IV. FIRST n South street. Our own make of SI shoes are forging ahead. Repairing neatly executed FEED SWANSON, ' Wlt.L DO THE FINEST BOOT SHOE Repairing to be had In the citv; heeling aud soloing a specialty j8 east FMt So. street. U THEPAEAG0N, T8 THE BEST A ND CHEAPEST PLACE J for Shoe Repairing. 11 west South Temple street. . . , ; '. CIVIL ENGlNEKItrNtf. " bviland" DENB ' CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. Additions laid out and platted. Rooms 814 aud 615 Progress building ; P, O,. box 67. Salt Lake Olty, Wh; , : ,. , CONTRACTOKH AND BUILDERS. E0BINS0N & SJOOmT ftONTR ACTORS AND BUILDERS. OFFICE and store fittings, general Jobbing, pattern making; Agents for self-heating fouling bath tub. 174 west First South street. J. 0. D0WLING, CARPENTER, CONTRACTOR 4 BUILDER. All work neatly executed ; fitting up stores and counter making a specialty. 24$ W. First South street. GE0EGE B0GGS ft CO., rtoNTRAcrrNG And building, fitting v. Stores and offices a specialty. 157 fitftte road, between First and Second South street, Bait Lake City, Utah. ' DRUGUIKTs" " D- B. H00VEE ft C0:,v;S. DRUGS. MEDICINWS. FINE PERFUM-ery. PERFUM-ery. Toilet Goods; Prescriptions carefully careful-ly compounded, lttf south. Main street, Salt Lake City, Utah. JNllRAVINO. " J, JEPPEES0N, PRACTICAL SCIJLPTOU AND CARVER, X Office, 11 east North Temple street. ; ) J. W. WHITECAE, , DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER ON WOOD, Progress building. . FLORISTS." C. CEAMEE, L1LORIST. DECORATOR AND DESIGNER, -T Floral designs a specialty. Park avenue entrance, East Second South street, Salt Lake City. X'RNIT,JKK' sandbeegTuenitueFco., , MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN all kinds of Furniture, School Desks. ScDen doors and Windows. Jobbing snd re-pairing re-pairing promptly attouded to. his and 110 W Sout h Temple si reet . J. G. Gonklin, STOCK BROKER, Mining Stocks and Other Securities Bought and Sold. realerfn REAL ESTATE AND MIES: Member of Salt Lake Stock Exchange and of. Salt Lake Seal Estate Exchange .Serf nfcen l'cors a rctiilcnt of Holt Lake CUy Correspondence Solicited. References Union National Bank. Deseret National Bank. Utah Natii nal Bank. J. E. Dooly, Manager Wells, Fargo 4. Co., Salt Lake City. ... - . Room Ml, second floor. Wasatch building. . Price & Clark -JDwalera in- Poultry and all Kinds of Game Fruits, Vegetables, etc., in season. No. 68 West First South street, opposite Kimball Block. Geo.. M. Scott, . " '' JAs Gi.endenning, ..II. S.tol President. ,. Vice-rreaident. -Sccttti GEO. M. SCOTT &0L . INCORPORATED.) -DEALERS IN- Hardware and Met Stoves, Tinware, Mill Findings, Etc. AGENTS FOR the Dodge Wood Pulley, Koebling's Steele Win Vacuum Cylinder and Engine Oils, Ilercules Powder, Atks Engines ai ers, Mack Injectors, Buffalo Scales, Jefferson Horse Whim, B Miners' and Blacksmiths' Tools, Etc. 168 MAIN STEEET, Salt Lake City, - - U A. J. B0UEDETTE ft CO., PLUMBERS. STEAM AND GAS FITTERS ,?na G.e?f'?1 J?- '"east Second South street, Salt Lake City. Telephone No. 431. JAMES FENWICK, , PRfJICLPLUMItER- STEAM AND OAS & 1 r. Sanitary Engineer. 61 East Third South street, Salt Lakg City, Utah. P. J. M0EA.N, STEAM HEATING ENGINEER, 259 MAIN street, Salt Lake City. PLATINti " n?elWmaYuHotn?c (rf u- SVER AND NICJKEL PLATING VJ. by the Dynamo Prajess. All klnas of repairing .tone with neatuess and dlsnatch KhudsokBhos, 0lE3d South. u'3Ptch. I'HVSICIANS." ; ! de7j. TBLAGrauMTcaT HERNIA SPECIALISTS ; RUPTURE PER. mauently cured without surgical opera- r'S'e """'"W?' Wasatch building S t Lake, Utah; take elevator. P. O. Box 61. DBS. FEEEMAN ft BUEEOWS, 17 YE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT. SPECTA-Xv( SPECTA-Xv( cles accurately fltted. Rooms 17 and 18 Scott-Auerbach building. ' j jSj Railroad CoflteteafiiM Evaitt omce! Grading, Ditching and Excavat 121 S. & Main St. Street Grading a Speci; PBIIHBIV ESTIMATES FUliXISHED- V CORRESPOXDEyCB SOlM e. sells; j. tucker. h. w. seu Sells & Gorripany Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Inn First South street, opposite 14tli Ward Assembly Room P. 0. Bex 1078. 01(, pi01l(,er Yard f ArmsironC W . ESTATE AND LOANS. " W. P. D0DDs7 KEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Room 6 coUocted' 76 K rst SoMh street.' JOS. A.WKST. EM.LBAttUX.KwI JOS. A. WEST ft CO., EMPLOYMENT AND REAL ESTATE 14 Agents, H west South Temple street. THE SYNDIOATE INVESTMENT 00 REAL ESTATE, 810 MAIN STREET IN-vestments IN-vestments for non residents a specialty-; YEADON ft HEATH, SA(?ENTft,FClR SOUTH MA IN STREET O Addition. See then' for this and othe properties, ito Mala street. s. fTspencee & oK, : 1?' KSTATE LOANS. INVESTMENTS, LX . Vt south Main street. Salt Lake Clt? Compete list of city and acreage property. ALFEED DUNSHEeT" ' RV TATF- LOANS. INVESTMENTS L-h.e'at'u'uh.11'861' "".''r Bank-Saii J. G. McAi.t.isTEn, D. H. McAllister MoALLISTEE BEOS., flEAL ESTATE AND LOANS, 855 S. MAIN AV.J. street, under Abstract oftlee, Salt Lake jTg. JACOBS ft CO. REh.HMSTAJE DKALERS. 1 17 PROGRESS XX building, have for sale residence pronert r L,i ir:"',K '!VhB c-v: also choice bargains "ii business and faini property. 7 u HTfllOTTsONr- IEALERS IX kk u, ESTATE, CITY AND A- ,, '.'"'""'V- N" -7 Main street, opposite 'the Walker House, Salt Lake City. " I "-H0SIERJ-- LADIESand CHILDREN. Every Pair Guaranteed to give perfect Satistaction in Wearing. We Import and Control this brand. HOMECQALCO. Have constantly on hand Roc Springs GOal At Lowest Market Prices. Prompt Delivery: Office - - 33 East First South Street F. A. Mitchen. Manager and Secy, i ; I ' i ' CiR6ci.HIES. W, E. D. BAENETT, Agont, GROCERIES. FRUITS. POULTRY, PRO visions. Flour. Feed aud Froh Moats; m east Third South street; telephone 451. EOGEES 4 COMPANY. rpHE LEADING GROCERS, 45 EAST FIRST 1 South itreet. . FEED' G. TYNGBEEoi ' STAPLE AND FANCY (iRlX ERlES, PRO-i PRO-i visions, h ntlt, VeRetnhlea. Poultry Fish Game. etc. 53 east First South street Telephone Tele-phone 68. . JOHN MoDONALD ft SONS,' tMNE TEAS AND COFFEES A SPElALTY r M8-a70 Main street. " J. H, OLAEK, rjREEN. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCE- rtes. Fruits. Poult v and Fish, No as -ekt First South sti-eet. Oilei-s by telephone evil promptly attended to. ' C. M. HANSEN, . 1 EAI.ER IN CHOICE FANCY 4K CERIES J ' Hay. tiialn. Cial and Klndltm; Wood corner Third South aud State street. TAKE ilfe. ' the iMiamiRm CHICAGO ILWiUREE&SUm FOR ALL POINTS EAST, it is the only line rnmilns solid Vestibule. Electric Lifted. Steam Heated trains between Chicago. Milwaukee and Council Hluits. Omaha, Oma-ha, St. Joseph, Kansas city aud Soulx City. All traihs composed of Pullman magnificent sleeping cars and The Finest Dining Cars in the World. For further information apply to the nearest ticket office, or ALEX. MITCHELL. Commercial Agent, as south Mala etrwt, bait Lake city. ' D, VAN BUSKIRK. OFFICE OF T.C.ST The Van Buskirk Investment GENERAL REAL ESTAlE BUSINESS TRANslcTED f SPMU FORMING OF SYNDICATES. AGENTS FOR EASTERN CAPITAL. UlJJidicSNAPS, but GOOD BXPKKIBNCK,, OPEIATOKS and Members of the ' " 79 MAIN STREET, corner Second South. |