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Show MO. 480. soi UK uf rni;-EPTio ntofir. t ANIJ OFFf'B AT HALT LAKE CITY J j ttah, June mh. Iw. Noil. Is hrei,r gitrfi that tn. tullowm num.il antler ha filed nolle of his intention tu frisk final proof In support f hta rlsint, and that as, rt pna.f will be oiada ltefo Hi register sad meeiver sf Malt Lake city. t tah. on July Vnrt Iwo vl.: 1 1st 1.1 H l.amlieit O H .Vl. nr H.a uortheaat quarter eci:.m a", twtilp t aotua, rany 4 wt. S L. P. M. lie names th following wltnean-atti pror lilactrtiluliuni reaitlelic. omf alas rtlltltallffU o( anld land, vlss J. it. Hall'- of firatntar Salt lJ"k" county, t'tah! J. M Mowar. Salt Lake I Ity 1. . ; William Hill, ut trraagr, Halt l.asaeoiinly. I th;r.tl Curtis, oftiraoger, Halt Lase counly, t'tah. And you, t liarie.H lns.ni. who on Man h Vstu lti. mail desert nitty No 'Awl Its-lb same land r hereby aiiuun.nted to aplar at the tame t. inn and piac ar.d ahnw f a is. If any you have, why v.mr aal.l ntitrr ahotiid not lie caii'-eled and ihe pits. f and nnalruliyot liisrlalnialll allowed FIIANaC II. HOHIIS. Rrgl.l.r. |