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Show , , to Correctly Sise Up Your Friend's Intellectual Power and Under-stand Under-stand His Weaknesses, BE MISTAKES OF PHEEN0L0G1STS. ratal Calibre aad Criminal Measure-mti-Vt, Peterson's Talk ou. Eeceat Investigations. Becently tbe scientists both in Europe rd America hava been siW good u of attention to the conformation and (easurement of tho human head or era-joBetr7,a era-joBetr7,a they call it. The studies of Dr. Frederick Peterson,, ko insanity expert and specialist in nerf (3 diseases, of New York, have been Biiilly extensile. Their conclusions have m reached by accurate measurements Dd not by feeliug bumps. Dr. Peterson lil to mo: TBE FROSTAL LOBES. "la men noted for great attainments cd intellectual capacity all the diame-.Hand diame-.Hand arcs of the skull are far above i0 normal averages. In other words, ,eir heads are larger. In many criminals ie diameters and area are below the nor-ial nor-ial average, and there is also great al ormality ifl shape, especially in beredi-irvciiuiinals. beredi-irvciiuiinals. One side of the head may t larger than the other, the forehead uy retreat, or there may be some other ,cli of symmetry and proportion. Often' ie teeth, jaws and ears are deformed. 1) tbe higher mental faculties are loca-A loca-A in the frontal lobes of the brain, and iese naturally have a direct proportion the length and breadth of the forced. forc-ed. Just back of this region are the iwular centers and the centers f or cuta-wuj cuta-wuj sensation, "Directly behind the ears and a little ve are the centers for remembering iat which is heard, and here are un-. jubtedly located some of the muscular iculties, for instance, the wonderful eaiory of musical compositions, such i was possessed by "Blind Tom." The tmory of everything seen is stored iav iu the posterior lobes of the brain; urefore people of great perceptive jwerand who remember well all their reeptiona will be found to have a large jvelopuient on the back of the head, has been noted that in people born hid this part of tho head is smaller tan it should be. In contradistinction i quack phrenology the perceptive iwer is located here in place of Gall's .ibprogenitiveness and bump of uuia-tecess. uuia-tecess. Gall located tho perceptive wer immediately over the eye, behind hich is a cavity in the bone containing i train. "The average circumference of an liu't mau's skull is 20J inches and of i adult woman's 19 inches. Tbe aver-;e aver-;e length of the aro from the roof of uose over the top of the head to the ost prominent point on the back of the :ail is in man 12 inches and in the worn wo-rn 124. Tbe average length of the aro om one eat to, the othor over the higb-t higb-t part of the liead 'fei in a wan 12J che and in a woman IZi. The aver-;b aver-;b antero-posterior diameter, that is om the middle of the -forehead in a raijht lino to the hindmost part of the ad, is in a man 7 inches and in a wo-Tho wo-Tho average diameter through widest part of a man's head, from Is to side in a straight line, is f3 inches, id of a woman's head 51 inches. Thete s only few 0f the more important urements taken. "1 never made less than seventeen tMureraents and three drawings of ch head. But in the most careful "dies sometimes from 30 to 130 aepa-narcB aepa-narcB and diametr are measured, fill be seen that the head of a womau wsn average smaller than that of a just aa her brain weighs several aces lees. While it may be taken as a ral rule that a head of large dimen-! dimen-! is associated with unusual capa in ""me one or other direction, it is, course, not always the case. One can y imagine, or may even have met 11 persona with large heads who fined" to enjoy considerable emancipa-'from emancipa-'from the bonds of intellect; and one ". "adily conceive of much of their ait substance being replaced by more tlnary tissues or substances required Prevent the formation of a vacuum. ' packing of the bjuiv : : .Jue skull bones may be twice , as M usual, or there may be an un !il amount of fluid in the cavities of I "fain and its coverings. Again, rn with a rather email head may more thinking centers to the cubic ;uf brain than the other; less fat, less less packing of every kind, as in J ,616 nf Garabetta, whose brain was f small. The word 'packing' is an 1 . nt cre to use in this connection, ' describes the condition perfectly. delicate china or glass vessels are kM avay in sawdust, hay, etc, for Wag. so Uie fragile cells containing onMa'id tlioughts are packed away enormous quantity of substance, ' as connective tissue, which dif--felatively little from hay and saw-' saw-' ' a structure as seen under the mi-.Pe, mi-.Pe, and which serves an equally' 't purpose. Hence an idiot isoc- " lu.T, though indeed rarely, seen ; ."i unusually large head; but in the .Kof his cranium valuable struct-yn struct-yn left out by the thoughtless "Jw. anil only the hay and sawdust urtoth9RSr,0. 25 the development , n kuU . deperid, 0n his educiv Lna. in fact, his entire environment, gently the mind may develop but the skull will not. From 83 the skull retains the same Cim nd the same dimensions, and tu "ot that certain measure 2 , , b8ad become useful aa a , f iOentification of adult. They fMngt, their appearance in many Z , " Cannot voluntarily alter the f of their heads. M. BertUlon has Z!' "urefore, certain skuU di- bis system of identification of Sic. k now mucl1 employed In W v , M "et "wle in this country." |