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Show ; I.Mi.VU NOTICE (V COMPLKTIOX OK ASPKSSMKXT OK V a Iophi tax for th. fxt-nsum of water nmltn ou Thlr.l Soutn Httwt. -Notlo. is horebv uiva that the a-iKor anil oollnt ir or Salt Laid" city iuii tn.He and rom-iHt.'rt rom-iHt.'rt tlir list unit p;t f-rtirnfiyrtoalfK'Bl Jaxrtt tlirat ot four mill.-, pi-r imtire (it, ; Vviej by thu c'ty conn Ml o( Salt f.Hke Citv. June;!. wi hjhiu the fnllowtus (p ritvrd lots or li:wes of pnimid, iintnrlv: Lotsd. 7. blm k 1om. tt. liUn k ;3t. lots v. .1. block 4H. mid lart of lots 1 and H,i,-k nil in ilt K. suit I.iilt? City Hiirvry. wild tax lxiw for thi ox-tni.:on ox-tni.:on of the wntar iiLiiu;" ;ion( thi? folUmiiis? 1eriihFd routf. namelv: Thin! Soma Mrrcl fx-twenn Sixth and Seventh H;isi siiwt... Sid list und plat hare brocloriiprtl 1,1 xht 0,,!,',, j taecuy rtvorder. No. 9. Cuv hail, and will b I open tiimiMMK-tion for a ufriod of ttn v from mid uivr theJth dav of .tuuc, IW. dnnrs ! which Uiu writtvn pial t the citv comicil I for t he correction of the Mesnsi-nt" nuv 1 t;led ith the aid revurder. in pittMiance of 1 the ordijuuee tnncli case provided. , . LOl'lS HVAilS. Citv Kccordcr. i t'alt Lake City. June ;. isai. |