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Show NOTICK OF COMPLETION OF ASSESS ment nf a local tax for the entenslon of Ilia water mains nn Wall and entrant streets, - Notice Is hereby given that the Assessor and Collector or Salt Lake city has made and coin plated Ihe list and plat is-rtalnltif toa local ta at tho rate of four wills per square font, levied by the Citv Con i. II of Salt Lake ritv. 1 Maytttb. IfMi, upon the following iiescrliied lots or pieces of ground, nutti.-lv : Lolsi. .1. 4, fi. , T. 9. 10. block I ; lots I. ,1, him k II, all In plat R, Salt Lake Clly Survey, said lax being For lbs extension of the water uiulns along th following described roule, namely: Wall street, adjoining Capitol grounds north lolls Intersection with Currant street, and along Currant street to Its Intersection with Oak alreet ha Id list and plat have Im lodg-sl III Hie office of the Clly Kecorder. Nu il, Clly Hall, and will be open tor Inspection for a period of ten dins from and atler the fourth day of June. imin. during which tlmewrltit n appeals to the I'lty t onnell for the correction of thn assessment may lie filed with the aald recorder. Ill pursuant- or the ordinance In such rase provided. LoCIS IIVAMs. clly Recorder. Salt Lake Clly, June ilrd, lMSi. |