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Show Wm CATALOGUE The Two Highwaymen Who Robbed a Courier Capturad iu Frederick-town, Frederick-town, Missouri. 1 ' : WAS SAVED BY A MARRIAGE. I ! A Victim of Jealousy Strangled His Wife-Other Notes of Crime. Fkkpkku kiowx. Mo., Juue 10 The two highwaymen who held up ami robbed rob-bed the courier of the La Mottie lead j mines on Friday have been captured, j and are now in jail in thi-: place. Sheridan Sher-idan Copass, aged 22 years, fell under suspicion by the reckless manner in which ho squandered money immediately immedi-ately alter the robbery, whereas before be-fore then he was rather" short." The Sheriff of Madison county secured a search warrant, and. with' the aid of two deputies, overhauled Copass' house. In a stocking belonging to liis wife 2.T0 silver dollar were found Further search revealed nothing more, and the Sheriff was about leaving when the peculiar act ions of Mrs. Copass attracted his attention. He threatened to search her, and forced her to take fl.li.V iu bills from her boson. Warrants ugaiust. Copass and John Wat hen, a telegraph operator, aged 20 years, were svvori. out nud they were arrested. Wat lieu, when placed In a cell, broke down and confessed that he ami Copass had robbed Ihe carrier, and told where his share of the proceeds 2000 had been planted. The money was found iu the place by the sheritl . Copass is n genuine e.uintry tough, but allien Is young iu crime and lias an innocent, boyish face. Ho has for two years been employed as an operator along the line of the Iron Mountain railroad. The sheriff ami his deputies will receive f 1000 reward. |