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Show XT0TIC13 OK fXIMPLETION OF ASHF.33-1 ASHF.33-1 tnent of a lisjil tu for the extension of the wbW mains fn Tnlid Aoiilli street. Notice is hereby glyen that the assessor and rolled or of .Salt Lake City has made and com-plstod com-plstod the list and plat pertaining to local tax at. th rale of huir mills per a.jusre foot levied bv the clly council of .Salt Lake city. MayCT, IWI, ttlion lite follow ing den nbrd lots or pieces or ground, namely: Lots ft T. block l: lot , ft block 1 ; lofs block 44 ; part of lot 1. block 46, all in plat H, .Salt Lake Oily survey, sur-vey, said lax brlT!!! for th extension or the water mains along the following deaerlbeJ mule, namely: Thlrtl south l rent from near Kiphth east alreet to Ninth east, .aid l.al and plat have been lodged In the "ITIcn of the city recorder. No. S. city hall, and will be open for inspection for a parted of ten days (rom and after the 4t.h day of Juna, im rfurltig which time written appeals to the ciiycotim il for the correction of the assessment may be filed with the said recorder, in pursuant, of the ordinance ordi-nance Iu such esse provided. Lupin Hyams. City Recorder. Salt Lake City, June 3, 18uU. |