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Show NOTICE OF THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUV-cll COUV-cll to extend water mains on Fifth East street from the pri sent teimiuus to thecrnter of the block between Sixth aud Seventh soulh street. Notice is hereby given by tbe City Council of Salt Lake City or the Intention or such Council to make Ihe following described Improvement, to-wlt: Extendingaud laying iron water pljies or mains along the following streets, namely; Fifth East street from present terminus lo llie center of th blisk Imtiiwi Sixth and Sevenlh south street, and derraylng lliree-foiirlhs of the cost thereof, estimated at Thirty-six Hundred Hun-dred (Mrtin Dollars, by a local assessment upon the lots or pieces of ground within the following described district, bring Hie district to be affected or beneli ted by said Im-nrovnmrnt, Im-nrovnmrnt, namely: Lots . 4. block x. lots 1 a block M. lots 1. 'J. 7. . bl.s k aa. lota . 3. 4. .'1' bl.s k SI, lots 6. ft block U. lola ft 7. block Si all in plat V Halt Lake City survey. All protests and object ions to the carrying out of such intention must be presented in writing to the Citv Iltwairder on or before July I. 1H. being the time set by the said council when it will hear and consider such objections as may be mad therein. Kv order ol the City Council of Salt Lalm Citl made May . Halt Lake CHy, June 7, HsTO |