Show fk A S OAY MINES STOCKS AND LOANS 18 15 W second so st phone SAM SALT LM LAKE A H CO STOCK STOC BROKERS promoters of legitimate mining enterprises 0 F WALKER BUILDING SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FOR HEALTH 4 I 1 la 14 ea 12 mil x 4 Z D r M U J 0 lj 9 X M 4 r 0 ili 3 in the circumscribed space of this adver advertisement isemena we 9 0 like 0 cannot talk to you as we would like to we 0 4 4 can say however that it is no experiment and that 0 y ands who have used it and have been wonderfully bene f cited by it are talking for or it and are loud in in its praise i t for typhoid fever and pneumonia it is without a rival and jor for numerous other diseases it is is a great specific no disgusting medicines no difficult f 4 surgical operation on the instrument is is attached to 9 the bo body dy and nature does the res W we e can give tes t timon timo nials a Is from ra m many prominent salt lake citizens fort for i full particulars send fr for 0 r circulars and other literature t ax V C camf CO any I 1 3 0 F WALKER SALT LAKE CITY H AND MINING STOCKS AND salt lake city D af F WALKER telephone H PEERY JR STOCK BROKER 10 WEST SECOND SOUTH ST W E HUBBARD CO LW MINES DIVIDEND PAYING AND investment STOCKS 78 W SECOND SOUTH TELEPHONE 13 ai COLE HIGGINS MINES STOCKS AND investments member salt lake mining Ec exchange hange P F 0 box Rooms and D F walker ike phone block west second south L st SL W J W T DINWOODEY LAWRENCE DINWOODEY MINES AND STOCKS member salt lake stock 78 W second south and mining exchange telephone SALT LAKE CITY UTAH when writing to adv r s 1 l 0 61 P tion THE REVIEW |