Show GOLD AND SILVER production in the united states for the year ear 1899 the year v ear 1899 showed decided gains 0 gold old and silver silv er production in fh the united 1 stas the increase being very heavy in som por eions of the w st and while atah T tah was nor a adf ble to compete w with i th some borne of t the lie eldir state s r C this line still the 11 mains gains made mad were vv ere most m st cia e n on as an increase of over cover a million m i I 1 I 1 ton a 4 gold was noted and about th same ami w 6 silver the topper copper output being ija d ii fl 24 being an increase of ka W c tr the th production credited to 0 o the previous v year tar the preliminary estimate of the th prod ic t K ton a of gold and silver in in the T united cited states donn the calendar year near 1899 isa made by mr roberts the director of the mint shows a total gotai gow alj production of 14 tot to t ato an increase in creast 0 or r yh rt production of last year ear of the production of silver during th boar vans is estimated at bai an increase arm the year of 4 the gold production bv states for forth th ars 1899 and 1898 is is given as follows gold G id prod n jold old pi oo 00 a 0 states state lm 4 is is nevada 1442 laco OCO ml 1 00 X washington soa xi 02 6 1 K oregon 1 1 i i MM alaska al US ka 4 baw 10 4 HO california 14 12 92 i 1 idaho aw as h i 1 6 40 X M antana 1 0 I 1 1 1 utah L t ih 3 31 TW iw st S t appalachian stat sll S ha q axi U C colorado glorado b 00 of F i wt dakota 10 1 axx 00 9 1 0 t arizona 2 xo 00 mcw nt iv mexico 39 ofa 6 others W totals total 70 t TOO AX british iii klondike lb 16 laj the estimated estimate esti mat d proda tion of silver duru durl x 1800 1899 and 1898 are given as follows coining value coining coin n vii u states IH 1811 SW 1898 nevada 1 C ail 1040 4 R 8 washington 41 45 4 1 26 6 an 3 oregon it bs 68 08 K alaska 2 1 9 alx lx h I 1 11 forma fornia 1 9 as idaho a ll 11 1 16 montana M atana 2 40 14 44 y 1 utah 9 aw em 69 x W NO xi appalachian tates states 9 colorado 3 M 8 9 south dakota i 10 q ariona anona so 30 0 i 0 OJ i new mexico i 91 33 j texas hoi CIO 00 00 b to oti fi others 42 4 totals 74 44 06 udit si bailish ish klondike 1152 utah s production of the precious metals for 1899 according to the annual statement of wells faro faro 0 A co while differing alia slightly atly arcin the estimate made by bv the director of the mint is as aa follows im rease value alue 1 over I 1 iw copper 1 sia 19 9 lead n n i silver 4 abl 1 18 gold d toti U qui |