Show B K 4 AROUND THE STATE it V it 6 6 st george news copper ore from the cavanac mine is being stored in rear of james andrus store preparatory to shipment at 1 modena the ore is very rich and is similar to the richest of the ore being obtained in the neighboring 11 mine the grand gulch silver city star jack oneil the engineer on the day shift at the el rey bey mine got his left hand caught in the engine early this morning and the ligaments at the wrist were severed dr hosmer gave him surgical attention and says that with care it can be saved provo democrat D D houtz on wednesday received a fine lot of samples of ore from the silver cliff mine in stateline Stat eline assays essays show values all the way from to ounces in silver joseph brown one of the owners of the property left with an outfit wednesday and work will be steadily prosecuted all winter provo democrat D D houtz who recently returned fr from m stateline Stat eline exhibits some fine samples of high grade ore from the property of the gold hill mining company in that district he reports that work is being steadily prosecuted on the property and predicts for stateline Stat eline a most flattering future local owners in the property are D D houtz J A brown thomas beesley and J J beesley woodruff cor randolph roundup round up chief mining engineer gimble went through gh town last week on his way to the old walton mine in the left hand fork of woodruff canyon where he did some work on some mining claims which are owned by some of salt lake s wealthy men they are said to be very prolific with phosphorous men are ae now employed who are excavating it is said that a shipment will will be made soon beaver blade mr Z drake of stateline Stat eline one of the heavyweight heavy weight mine owners and a pioneer of that district was in beaver yesterday on business with the county recorder mr drake has unbounded faith in the state line ipie country ana and says that no claims are made for the district that is not substantiated by facts the growth of the camp has been on the merits of what they have in sight and not on any wildcat wild cat boom iron co record marion millett arrived here the first of the week from the buckshin mountains where he has been assisting in developing a number of claims owned by his brothers and other residents of the locality in which he is slightly interested he reports that the principal properties have been bonded to an eastern syndicate who are furnishing money to develop them and who will put in a smelter early in the spring new ground is continually being Z located until now the country for a distance of ten miles is dotted with location lopatic n monuments iron co record clarence goddard and family came in from little pinto wednesday to pay a brief visit to relatives here mr goddard brought 11 with him some excellent samples of ore from the old blair mine upon which he has just completed tle the annual assessment for 1899 he reports that mining matters are lively in the pinto iron district lots of land sharks who are ready to grab anything to be had for the jumping bingham bulletin the dalton lark yesterday finished a twelve car shipment of ore taken from level and bottom of shaft reported to have been very fine truck some is now being done and drift north is running cr in seven feet of ore three feet of first class returning way up assays essays the big pump had all jeen been delivered yesterday and will be at work as soon as it can be put in place the station being bein a ready to receive it the mine is not qs as reported short of coal having a sufficient supply for the present park record the base of operations has been changed chanced at the creole miners are now at work crosscutting cross cutting on the level instead of on on the 1000 as heretofore and expect to cut the vein at about sixty feet farther in they have now reached a point devent seventy y feet from the shaft four men are doing the work at present and the prospects are of the most encouraging nature the indications as developments proceed warrant the belief that the creole will soon be in line with other great properties of this district silver city star J T hayes and P 11 gillespie who are leasing in the ancient workings on the upper levels at the mammoth mine shi shipped aped twenty five tons of ore last week that yielded 42 per cent in copper at the sampler some of the old above the tunnel level in the region of what is locally known as the cave are said to contain considerable good copper ore at one time a smelter was operated by the company on this grade of ore at McInty res ranch about eight miles west of the mine it was afterwards converted into a custom mill milf and has since been dismantled gintic tintic miner an accident happened machinery at the Illin illinois bis wednesday last that will practically close the mine down for probably ten days the compressor which is operated with gasoline was badly baady shattered and progress in work will be retarded greatly the cause of the accident had not been ascertained when this article was written but mr will adams was busy making up a list of the broken parts when the miner representative dropped in to be sent off to the manufacturers to be immediately filled so that the development work may be fully resumed with all possible haste baste it will however require i about ten days to complete the needed repairs |