Show abe bc mining fining preview va lew published semimonthly semi monthly by the mining review publishing company WILL AVILL C E editor 11 B COLE business manager SALT LAKE crry CITY UTAH JANUARY 15 1900 P 0 box telephone office roms boms and D F walker buildt building ng west second south street subscription rates bates one year 2 50 six months r 1 50 single copies 15 cents subscriptions payable in fi n advance Dis continuances THE MINING REVIEW will not be discontinued at expiration of subscription unless the publishers are notified by letter that the subscriber so desires all arrearages arrea rages must be paid always give the name of the post to which your paper is sent when ft hen ordering paper stopped or in asking change of address your name cannot be found on our books unless this is is done application mide made for transmission through the mails at salt lake city as second class matter advertising kates advertising rates furnished on application liberal discounts for time contracts our denver agency the national advertising company quincy building notice to the public no one is authorised authorized to contract any debt on account of THE MINING REVIEW except on the written order of H B COLE business manager agents wanted THE MINING REVIEW M wants ants reliable agents in i n every mining camp and city ca ty in this intermountain region to whom most liberal commissions will be paid on subscriptions script ions for particulars address 11 II B COLE business manager Manag pr P 0 box salt lake city utah TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE electricity IS LIGHT AND POWER 5 EDITORIAL 6 THE JOPLIN ZINC FIELDS S AMONG OUR EXCHANGES 7 DIPS SPURS anu ANGLES 7 PERSONAL MENTION 9 AROUND THE STATE 10 CAPE NOME PLACERS 11 11 MINING INING PATENTS ISSUED 12 GOLD AND SILVER 13 IN neighboring STATES 14 BANK STOCK quotations 15 |