Show ft it ft it ft 9 4 04 it f ft V ft R A R i IN neighboring STATES ft ft i f t ft ft ft OREGON i baker city democrat ex policeman ash came in yesterday from his group of three quartz claims located in the pocahontas district about eight miles west of this city cit mr ash is encouraged 11 ky by the good showing following development as he has obtained assays essays from 14 to 2770 per ton baker city democrat an authentic report was received in this city last evening 11 that in the course of development on the herculean Hurc ulean mine at cable cove and while sinkin sinking in the creek an immensely rich ore body was uncovered the rich chute proving to be 18 inches wide and assaying 11 89 in gold and 30 percent per cent lead the ledge r proper is 13 feet wide and is on the mother lode of the cable able cove district it will average 15 to the ton the herculean Hurc ulean is a patented property and is owned in part by mr A W manning of san francisco who has recently bonded the property to spokane parties baker city democrat the developments at the union copper mine fifteen miles northeast of baker city and two miles and a half west of copper butte are little less than sensational the shaft is down forty feet and throughout its depth it is in high grade free copper ore the ledge crops from forty to ISO feet in width and over feet long from these droppings crop cropp pings incys 11 pieces rich in native copper have been broken at the salmore hotel and elite lodging 6 house samples can be seen and the they y will convince the most skeptical that great copper deposits exist in this section of the mining world the union copper mine is under bond to baker city and des moines moine s iowa people under the style of north american am mining company oregon mining journal A rich strike has just been made at the copper stain oil oh mt reulen reuben sixteen miles from leland and two miles from the gold bug at a depth of feet from the lower tunnel a body of very rich ore has been struck which is eight feet between walls the rock is very rich in free gold and sulphur ets that will go hundreds of dollars to the ton the mine is bonded to the lawrence mining company of springfield ill who have been doing development work work fir f r the past six months the property was discovered several years ago ago by blalock triplett they were getting out timber in tie hill for mortar boxes when they tore up some quartz and upon investigation found the property from which was taken out on the surface since that time J B wetherell bought the property and has done considerable work on the same consisting consi consisting stin of feet of tunnels shaf shafts ts and arif drifts ts and erected a tremain mill upon the property working much quartz that averaged 34 to he hc ton flON TArSA mike alike pino and tom jiboa two miners employed in the never sweat mine at butte were killed by a premature blast on the ath dinst Phillipps burg cit citizen iz en call the quartz mill four miles north of town is now running day and night on ore from the cumberland mine located in the marcum hill district near He helmville Helm linville ville the mine and mill give employment to about forty men the company has just recently let a contract for driving feet of tunnel and has about completed its new boarding house following 11 the completion of the beardin boarding 9 house the company expects to increase its force of men materially there is also talk of the company making a twenty stamp addition to the mill in the event of which the people of this section may look for a revival of business interests Butte miner Aliner that butte is the greatest mining camp on earth has frequently been said in print and speeches and that fact is being constantly verified about a week ago a mining deal was announced that involved the famous smoke house lode which was purchased by alex of salt lake the the history the smoke house lode can be found in the record of the courts even in the supreme tribunal of the united states the claim involves business property in the very center of the city and the title of smoke house to this lode was affirmed by the highest court of last resort that iio however wever is another story the present has to do with the exploration of that lode A week sago ago mr commenced sinking a shaft in the rear of a lot at the corner of broadway and wyoming streets the mcdermott hotel stands on the corner directly across the street from where this shaft is ia beino being sunk it is not usual to sink shafts on ground that is very valuable for business purposes the lot upon which mr is sinking however is estimated to be worth for building purposes should a rich lead be encountered however would be nothing in comparison to the money that would be taken from that hole in the ground yet it seems odd to see a shaft going down right in the business center of the town it can never be told beforehand where a rich mine mine may be struck in butte IDAHO the mineral production of idaho for 1899 in dollars and cents amounted to exclusive of the copper output the value of which is placed at silver city avalanche the pauper shaft has reached the foot level and arif drifting tin 11 on the ledge is progressing rapidly we understand that they have an excellent showing in the shaft and in the level john P F mckee of wallace was killed kiu d on the ard 3rd Sr dinst dinst by falling feet down the raise in the black bear mine at gem he was recently from chico cal being in the act of coming off his first shift tat at the black bear when his foot slipped on ahe the ladder letting him fall he was waa married seven weeks ago at Ord Oroville ville cal his wife being there now with his sister his parents also live in the same neighborhood he was a member in good standing 9 of pride of butte lodge no 69 K of P of chico cal boise statesman judge beatty in the united states court has decided the ease case of kennedy J hanley vs charles sweeney et al for a one third and a one eighth interest in the skookum mining claim near wardner the decision is is against hanley affirming the title of the defendants to the interests involved the skookum claim is one of very 11 great value embraced in the territory being worked by the idaho empire state company of which sweeney and dark clark are the principal stockholders the great ore body originally discovered in the last chance dips into this ground there has been a controversy between hanley and sweeney over these interests in the property for a number of years the one third interest has twice been before the supreme court of the state hanley being defeated in both instances elmore bulletin H G snyder is in town from volcano mining district he reports everything running running smoothly and satisfactorily at the banawa manawa mine of which he is superintendent the manawa banawa group consists of five claims situated on the bennett range of mountains near the head of the malad river in elmore county and is about forty miles northeast of this place there are three parallel ledges which show values in gold silver and copper they are being developed by a crosscut cross cut tunnel which will tap the ledges at a depth of from feet to feet this property adjoins the blackstone group of mines owned by wm win clemens and others the A banawa manawa mine is being operated by a boston company under the management maha management gement of H G snyder who is here awai awaiting tino the arrival of geo S landers of boston th the e principal owner COLORADO A special from howard says A number of prospectors have visited the new strike made by F P al and G W cooper and some of them claim it is the greatest discovery yet made in copper in this part of colorado the claim lies within a half a mile of and is easily accessible on foot from howard stat station ign civil engineer freeman has surveyed the claim which has been named malachite lead the ore is malachite and it is said every foot further A in on the lead shows greater width the lead proper is about sixteen en feet wide and ter of the lead or pay streak is thirty inches wide and shows very ven high hicri 11 grade mineral a full test of which shows 57 5 pounds copper 4 egold gold and 20 silver per ton thisina this is a surface test te st and the mineral shows much better at depth the sak rt ak appears to be getting wider and th tead led is is t easily traced buena vista V ista R public J 3 B linquist and wm ludwig have a four foot vein of ore in arnold s gulch that runs from 80 to a ton the property is known as the swede lode these parties also own valuable placer ground in the same gulch florence tribune F F korn an enc engineer on th R F s C while doing 11 some rep repair air work underneath his eng engine 11 me recently met with a se serious rious accident the steam valve in some way sprang open and the engine moving forward caught his arm and lacerated the flesh laying it open nearly to the bone Hadit had it not be ben n for the timely action of the fireman in reversia reversing the engine his arm would have been sever severed severd d from the bod y NEVADA de lamar messenger th the e last work done in the sunbeam tunnel uncovered a body of ore assaying in gold rold and ounces in silver this im la an extension of the famous de lamar property IN hite pine news ne w we are ini informed ormed by ex rin duke that the seventh payment of 1000 on the robust mine was made by bv him last week for the ely mining alining milling C 0 there are only three more payments to be made before the mine will be paid for no better indication of the company s faith in the property could be looked for than the payment of 1000 every sixty day daa s eureka sentinel at a conservative estimate the miners of this manint mining district have received over for the ore they have shipped out in the last six months at that rate the mines are now yielding an amount that would give a yearly income of to every man woman and child in the district tuscarora times review J W powell who was formerly in charge of the kincaid mills here some years ago and who has lately been operating r around mountain city came in the first of the week to take charge 11 of the de dc ater mill under the new maria management rement |